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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2020 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I’d like to point out that an article on 1860 ‘early obverse’ beaded border bronze pennies published in the British Numismatic Journal is now available online (free PDF download) at: https://www.britnumsoc.org/images/PDFs/BNJ_2017/14_Holland_1843.pdf Wishing you a Happy New Year! Best Regards, InforaPenny
  2. 2 points
    "Dont eat that its a bit powsey and have a sugar buttie instead " My grandma lived to 103 without going into a home and always used to make me laugh with her daft sayings. Everyday she had some whisky in her tea at 3.00 and her saying to me when i passed her one "is the whisky in the bottom of the cup ". There are loads of sayings in Lancashire but in a dialect nobody else would understand 😂
  3. 1 point
    With time on our hands owing to covid I thought this might be an interesting thread to introduce , and it would be great to hear other sayings you may remember from your past . My Grannie on my mothers side was born at the turn of the 19th into the 20th century , and she was apt to use sayings to express herself just about all the time , many of which have now gone from my memory , but some that I can remember are here. A lot of her sayings go right back into the 1800s . When I was very young I was often taken to my grandmothers house at the same time as many of my aunts along with my cousins , they were mostly younger than myself, and a saying she often used to console a crying child was this . WELL GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME ALIVE ALL SAINT ALL PINK Where it came from i've never managed to find out. Another was . YOU CAN NO MORE DO THAT THAN WALK ON THE MOON Ironically she lived long enough to see Armstrong and Aldrin do just that in 1969 Another . When driving home a point she would say . YOU MARK MY WORDS I guess this one is quite well known Last . THERE AS DIM AS A TOC H LAMP As a boy I never knew where this one came from , and never bothered to find out but come the internet age I was able to find out that it was a very popular saying during the first world war, at the time of her youth . It seems that it was a kind of oil lamp going back century's , but at about that time a small bicycle oil lamp was in use , and hence the saying.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    A wood louse is called a "cheeselog" in my neck of the woods. It seems to be quite local to South Oxfordshire, unless you know better.
  6. 1 point
    Great idea for a thread! I am sure I can think of lots given time, but a couple I recall straight away: She was a devout catholic but as teenagers, when we were on our way out to a party, she would always say: "Be good - but if you can't be good, be careful!" .. and her wise words on road safety: "He was right, dead right, as he went along, but just as dead as if he were wrong!"
  7. 1 point
    As the world's population swelled over the past few decades, Santa's sleigh got heavier and heavier, requiring more reindeer to pull it. Santa hired two new reindeer as crew, Lee and Franklin. As part of their new hire training both Lee and Franklin go through a lot of physical training, navigational training, as well as a list of things that is to be packed on the sleigh. Franklin is going through the list of banned items. There are weapons, drugs, etc., but one item caught his curiosity... Cement. Franklin says to Lee "Hey, do you have any idea why cement might be banned?" "No idea, let's ask the boss. I can't see why anyone would want that" says Lee They both go to Santa's office and ask "Hey, Santa? Does anyone ever actually ask for cement for Christmas?" Santa, in the process of checking his list, puts it down and says "Yes. Every year there is a small village by a river that floods constantly. They ask for as much as they can get to build a wall. Every year I refuse". Both Franklin and Lee look at each other in amazement. That sounds like a great gift to give a village who needs it. Franklin then asks "But Santa, why would you ban them from having cement? It sure sounds like they could use it!" Santa turns to both of them and says... "Frank, Lee, my deer. I don't give out dams"
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Whenever I'm reading anything, from ebay listings to emails and websites, I will 9 times out of 10 click on the right cross if it's ENTIRELY IN CAPITALS, all in lower case, or has no puctuation anywhere or is just awful in some other respect. I just can't read it, it makes me ill. From experience I nearly always find that those guilty of very bad written English either have nothing worth saying that I want to read, or nothing for sale that I want to buy. I mean how can people honestly think they will get the best price (or any price!) if they write a few un punctuated lines about how they basically KNOW NOTHING whatsoever about what they are selling? Don't people try to learn a little first about what they are selling, and then try to express that accurately in a presentable manner? If someone has no time to write beautiful things about whatever they are selling, then I don't want to buy it from them. They will probably be just as careless in the actual selling process as they were in the listing! It also makes me laugh when you see cars advertised with the listing text copied off the cars newspaper ad....The seller (nearly always with 0 or low feedback) always states in the listing what the reserve is or puts '£2000 or near offer' at the bottom, even though it starts at £1 or something! If the public really are as stupid and ignorant (without even the desire to learn even basic things) then we all need saving from these people somehow. Is there some way we can stop these people reproducing, and introduce a little bloody common sense, pride and just very very basic intelligence into the gene pool?
