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VickySilver last won the day on September 7

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About VickySilver

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    Late Milled Silver and Copper

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  1. The book is "The Coins of the Isle of Man" You won't find the first edition, but the second edition was just published this April. The Author is Mike Southall. The only place you can purchase it is at the Lexicon bookshop in the Isle of Man. Their website was down when I purchased mine and it was a pain to get it, but the staff at Lexicon were very helpful. Are you in the UK or the US? If needed, I will send you an email address and phone number. Hopefully their website will be working.

    if you order it - tell them Zach sent you.  They'll get a kick out of it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Exbrit Manx

      Exbrit Manx

      The total cost with shipping was $65 not counting the foreign transaction fee.  I didn't understand your question regarding sending a photo. Of what?  The book?

      i may go to the Novermber Whitman show - but we'll see. It would be nice to meet.

    3. VickySilver


      Oh, just trying to get an idea what a sample page might look like really. Is that a hardback?

    4. Exbrit Manx

      Exbrit Manx

      It's soft cover and the images are B&W. It does have a lot of good information in it and it goes beyond the IOM coins. It's a shame - I almost bought two of them.

      I tried to attach the contents, but the file size on this app is so small.
