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Origins Elizabeth I pencil/charcoal picture?

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I’m part of an Elizabeth I group on FB, looking at interesting historical facts, articles, items, etc., and someone shared today (obviously) that this is the day that Elizabeth became queen, at the death of Mary, using this picture. 
Does anyone know the origin, source, date of it? I haven’t got any further with the OP, and can’t seem to find it anywhere online!


Edited by Coinery

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Great link @Sword. The drawing from the OP appears about half way down and the debate is whether it is Elizabeth I or Mary I. I don't think Mary Queen of Scots is suggested.

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You can right click the image and select search with Google. Then Google will search for the image on the web and give you the sites.

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3 hours ago, Kipster said:

The drawing looks more like Mary, Queen of Scots to me.

The French title would possibly confirm that? Scotland and France had a strong alliance back then.

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