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Nordle11 last won the day on November 26 2017

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About Nordle11

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    Pars Supellectilem
  • Birthday December 3

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    Pennies 1895 - 1967
    Mint errors

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  1. Matt. I wondered if you could help me . when I go into Richards coin reference site I find that all the pictures of complete coins open up, but the smaller pictures wont . and the little box with the cross in to press, opens to a card saying I need pass words to continue . Have you any idea why they will not open , is it perhaps that there's to much information for my computer.    Terry

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nordle11


      Haha yes, you should pander him to do it :D 

      From what I can tell, it's just to do with how Richard has put the pictures into the site, some are clickable (which opens them up on their own page or in a new page) and some are just not.

      The reason some are asking you to log in is because while the pictures are posted in the headsntails site, they are being hosted on his personal site (where the picture actually lives), which is private, and doesn't allow you to view the image until you log in and have been approved by him. Basically the link in the picture is taking you to his private site which won't show.

      Hope that makes sense.


    3. terrysoldpennies


      Do you think Its set up that way deliberately,should I ask him, or could you explain it to him better than me   Terry

    4. Nordle11


      Not deliberately to block the pictures, but because he already had the pictures on his first site it is 10x easier to just copy them over instead of making new pictures.

      It might be quite a big job for him to do that, it would be easier for you just to have access to the other site, which I'm sure he won't mind, but it does mean you need an account at wordpress. It's not all that easy to get one though because you need to make a site first, but to sign up is free. Happy to create an account for you if that's easier, so you can just use the log in. I'll send you a personal message if so because you'll need a password and these messages are viewable by everyone.

