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Everything posted by Nordle11

  1. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I removed the capabilities for a Guest to make a report, I think he wasn't going to stop.. If someone wants to report something, I'm sure they wouldn't mind providing a bit of info!
  2. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I guess he has picked up on this as he's reporting nearly every single post in this thread pertaining to him.. I've disabled the 'Reporting' feature for Guest accounts, so we all stop receiving spam.
  3. There's a couple of reports already for Mr. Bush, he's been banned and IP blocked
  4. Nordle11

    Useful Links (Consolidated)

    The consolidated list from the thread Useful Links. If you would like to add something here, post the link and description in this thread and I'll add it to the list and delete your post.
  5. Nordle11

    1900 penny 9 over gap

    I think I speak for everyone that Peckris is a wealth of knowledge and very far from being a 'f-ing moron'. It's unecessary to talk to people like that, so please don't.
  6. Lots of quality pennies, you can view them all here - https://mypennycollection.wordpress.com/ All the Freeman numbers and die pairings are included as well, you can also click all the photos for a larger image. PM me if any take your fancy before I sell the rest through eBay or something, I'd prefer for them to go to members here before elsewhere. Thanks!
  7. Nordle11


    Where are you seeing/using the time? The post times should show as '2 hours ago' or '18 hours ago' up until 24 hours which it then changes to a date and time, and I presume you're not using posts from over 24 hours ago to work out what the time is at present!
  8. Hey Brian, Brockage should always be a mirrored image of whatever design is on the other side, from the pictures it looks like someone has stuck a genuine brockage onto a normal 2p. Can you see any seams anywhere? The different colouring on both sides also makes me think this. Is the reversed side in relief or is it just a trick of the photo? Should be incuse. Edit: Must be a trick, because all of a sudden I see it incuse now!
  9. Very sorry to hear. Condolences and best wishes to you and your family David.
  10. Nordle11

    New 5 pound note

    Apparently, find one that starts with the serial AA01 and put it on eBay, there are some going for stupid prices.
  11. Still here chugging along, work keeping me too busy for my own good
  12. Nordle11

    More Pennies

    Can you overlay it with the obverse?
  13. Nordle11

    Couple LCGS pictures

    I removed the email, saving you from crawlers picking it up and spamming you forever I'd wait for a reply to the thread and then PM direct with your email, just in case.
  14. I'm not so sure, if this were the case you aren't very likely to end up with this result because the metal would quite equally spread across the coin and produce an overall duller effect, as opposed to one particular area being 'un-struck'. More likely is a damaged die or a piece of foreign material in the area in question during the strike.
  15. Yeah same for everyone http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/11485-dnw-down/
  16. Looks like heat to me, Jim. You can get similar effects using a heat gun. I remember people used to use Taco Bell napkins because they contained sulphur (?), wrapped the coin in a napkin and inside tin foil for a few months and they come out with extreme colours. To each their own.
  17. Nordle11

    Good coin dealers

    We have some very reputable and reliable dealers right here on the forum WD; - Rob - Declanwmagee - The Coinery - RLC35 - mhcoins Just to name a few. Anyone with a green 'Coin Dealer' title under their name is also a forum trusted dealer, although not having that does not mean they're not.
  18. Yes just a bit of doubling is all, nothing to see here.
  19. Coins get stuck in the fins of commercial clothes dryers and are not removed for weeks or months until the machine is serviced. The continual tumbling against the steel drum beats the snot out of a coin and causes the rims to roll and fold inwards. Not sure about yours though, looks like something a bit more than just tumbling around. They almost look like capped die strikes but the poor quality of the metal means they're probably not.
  20. That comes from the rolling too, usually in a dryer.
  21. I wouldn't say it's filed because the rims still have their reeding, otherwise it would have a lot more striations which wouldn't be as uniform as in the picture. I would also go with wrong blank.
  22. Looks rolled to me, people either hammer the edges down gently for a long time or do something like put it in a tumble dryer. Correct, worth 10p-
  23. Nordle11

    More Pennies

    You say that but it took 160 years for people to spot it in the first place, so I would say yes, people are unobservant. Now that it's a known variety with a couple of sales, including one through an auction house, I think we will definitely see more surfacing in the near future.
  24. Nordle11

    More Pennies

    My point exactly, VIGTORIA = 5 examples in 1 year, B over R = 5 examples in 20 years. They didn't find all 5 of those B over Rs in the first year after the first was found, I'm pretty sure more will be turning up.