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Found 4 results

  1. Tony Clayton's listing of die numbers suggests that all 1867 shillings with die number 19 + have the obverse of 1868 (which is a fairly scarce variety). I'm a bit sceptical, albeit working from a rather rubbish example with die number 19, it looks like an ordinary 1867 obverse to me with tight ringlets. What do people think ? https://imgur.com/a/LW367ri
  2. Does anyone know anything about this variety of 1863 penny which has a long tail on the 3? Is it an over strike? is it a rare variety? It's not mentioned in "The bronze coinage of Great Britain".
  3. Hello all, I have recently found a very weird sixpence. The coin, see the picture, is only half of the usual height. I also weighed them both and found out that the thin one is 1.77g, and the normal one is 2.78g. At first I thought this could be due to circulation wear, however I now realise this cannot be because: A, The coin is still very detailed, particularly on the obverse and B, coin in 1967 were only used for a few more years until decimalization, so virtually all remain around EF to UNC. I can only think that this could be a mint error, getting the blanks wrong? But then again, no coin is of the sixpence size yet much thinner... Please help!!!
  4. Hello everyone, For a while now I have had an 1806 farthing - fourth type from the SOHO mint - in my collection, coloured in silver. It is only now, as I have come across another, which is of the same date but from Ireland, that I wonder why this is? I have enclosed pictures and have thought of a few possible reasons: They could have been coloured to pass as other coins, such as sixpences or half guineas? They may have been coloured afterwards to be put on jewelry? It may have been accidentally done by the mint? Something to bear in mind though with both is that they look nothing like any other coins and certainly did not fool me when buying them; a sixpence has never had "Britannia" on it! Also, in Ireland as far as I am aware, gold coins were never issued so there would be no need to try passing a farthing as a half guinea. I am also looking to, if possible, get rid of the colouring. If anyone has done this before, and more importantly if it is safe, then please let me know. Thank you.