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I came across the November 1969 "British Coin Index" while clearing out before moving house. I must have inherited it from my dad, as I was only 6 years old in 1969.

Some of the prices are quite interesting. Uncirculated Gothic Crowns seem a bargain at £185 (or £210 if you want the plain-edge proof), while poor old Churchill crowns haven't made much progress on the 37.5 pence quote in 1969. On the florins, my particular area of interest, there are some surprises. The 1932 UNC at £230 (not far off today's price in absolute terms) is more than the 1905 (£200) or 1925 (£220), while uncirculated 1849 Godless florins are only £34.


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Very interesting. What a little gem of a book to stumble across.

Some of the coins have decreased massively in real terms. For example the 1950 florin advertised on there for £6.50 in UNC and worth only £7.00 in UNC today (both prices absolute terms)

The 1934 Crown has kept up more, but still doesn't match inflation. 

Conversely many coins have increased by orders of magnitude in real terms since then. 

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Uh, may I have an 1839 Proof Crown at that price (360 pounds)?

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6 hours ago, david.bordeaux said:

I came across the November 1969 "British Coin Index" while clearing out before moving house. I must have inherited it from my dad, as I was only 6 years old in 1969.

Some of the prices are quite interesting. Uncirculated Gothic Crowns seem a bargain at £185 (or £210 if you want the plain-edge proof), while poor old Churchill crowns haven't made much progress on the 37.5 pence quote in 1969. On the florins, my particular area of interest, there are some surprises. The 1932 UNC at £230 (not far off today's price in absolute terms) is more than the 1905 (£200) or 1925 (£220), while uncirculated 1849 Godless florins are only £34.


Nice article, it let us have an insight of the past.


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A year later, the 1970 Coins and Medals Annual (later to morph into the Coins Market Values annual) listed some interesting prices, including the following two:

  • 1932 penny BU ..................... £50 (probably around £500 at today's RPI?)
  • 1797 twopence BU .............. £35

The 1932 penny has probably doubled in price, i.e. a long way behind inflation, whereas a genuine BU 1797 would probably fetch £1000 in that grade.

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I guess that there are a few members on here that did buy coins in 1969. I was born in 1969, so that is a few years before i bought any.

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13 hours ago, Iannich48 said:

I guess that there are a few members on here that did buy coins in 1969. I was born in 1969, so that is a few years before i bought any.

I bought a 1919KN from a schoolmate. My first dealer purchase was a silver 3d (GV) dated perhaps 1933? which was at least EF and cost me around 6d of my 1968 pocket money!

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