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Spanish Pesetas

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A bit of a longshot but does anyone have any pesetas that have any type of error on? I don't even necessarily want to buy it, although I will if you want to sell it, I just need some good quality pictures.



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Give us a clue what sort of errors to look for or are we just talking flan errors? Apart from the ones that can still be cashed in, I must have melted quite a few kilos in the past few years. I know that doesn't help, but at least it gives me a reason to check them, however cursory that check may be.

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Flan errors, striking errors, anything really. At this point any error coin would help!

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I have four 5,000peseta notes - are they worth anything ?

Would the bank take them back ?

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I... I have no idea

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They are - but only in spain - so it might not be worth it - combine it with a holiday

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From what i remember  Spain , italy and  germany and france all offered to exchange coins and notes to euros  indefinately .

The smaller eec countries ie luxemberg ,belgium etc promised notes only for a minimum of ten years  but not coins

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Thank you Copper123

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