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About GateGateGo

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    Misanthropy, Debauchery and Crochet. I may be lying about the crochet.

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  1. GateGateGo

    New Arrivals

    Hi Gary, Hmm - you mean the texturing / micro pitting to the fields? I'd assumed it to have been cleaned at some point but hadn't given it too much thought since taking those original shots. What do you make of these taken just now?
  2. GateGateGo

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Hi, BigJohnny - welcome to the nut house! I'd echo what's already been said by everyone else - we all clearly have some form of compulsive disorder! That said, at least the 'shiny ting' we blow our wad on has history and intrinsic value unlike the technology/shoes/gimmicks every bugger else seems to be addicted to. At least what we buy doesn't end up in the bin twelve months hence... I'm pretty new to the hobby, too & have gone from 'stacker', through moderns to pre - decimal in short order. I freely admit that I struggle not to buy on impulse, too - what ya gonna do, huh? It's just 'how I roll' By way of justification for my profligacy, I've just 'flipped' my first coin for double what I paid, so, like you, I'm now trawling the 'bay for hidden bargains. Bring on dem coins! Frank
  3. GateGateGo

    Sorry to bore you all again - grading

    They look un - enhanced to me, it's a combination of how they've been lit along with how both your eyes and your monitor resolve such high magnification.
  4. GateGateGo

    New Arrivals

    Yeah, me too Matt. I shot quite a few this way after seeing how it came out - i'll stick 'em up on Flikr later.
  5. GateGateGo

    Sorry to bore you all again - grading

    Not a boring question at all, Mynki - we all have to come to terms with the 'grading question'. Now, I'm more or less a complete newbie but comparing the strike & detail remaining against Rob's similar 1852 Florin (www.rpcoins.co.uk), I'd say this was more EF / gEF, although I may be dead wrong! (There may, for instance, be known issues with the '49 that I'm unaware of which would influence the grade). For what it's worth, I think it's a pretty coin (a little too 'busy' for my taste), but my eye keeps getting drawn to the scar on the obverse. I guess, as with most things, it's all subjective but that's my two penneth'.
  6. GateGateGo

    New Arrivals

    Getting there, Matt, getting there. I must admit, I'm quite pleased with all of them but particularly the '30 - that was quite the bargain, I reckon. Yeah, kinda got the vibe 'bout the pennies Just to give a better idea of overall condition, I just took these using Nons 'vertical flash' method on the '24
  7. GateGateGo

    New Arrivals

    It's certainly looking like it - I've a 1915 & 1918 on the way, too (also, the 1916 & 1938 from yesterday in the 'chump change' thread. They all look much better in hand, very bright, lustrous & vibrant. I really do need to get my light source shit together to do them justice. These recent shots are all day - lit only, taken with a DSLR at max res but re - sized to fit the image size limit here. The 1930? £43
  8. GateGateGo

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Very nice coins, Nons - ace pics, too. That '13 looks a wee bit nicer than mine - and more proof that I need a proper bloody light source!
  9. GateGateGo

    New Arrivals

    1924 George V Half Crown.
  10. GateGateGo

    New Arrivals

    1917 George V Half Crown.
  11. GateGateGo

    New Arrivals

    1913 George V Half Crown.
  12. GateGateGo

    New Arrivals

    So, postie done brung me this lil' parcel of lovliness, Doesn't quite qualify for my 'chump change' thread, but didn't break the bank, either. I THINK I'm better understanding what constitutes a wise buy & being more selective - what say you? First up: 1930 George V Half Crown.
  13. GateGateGo

    MancFrank's Chump - Change Challenge

    Oh, and the 'freebies' that came with the '46 Half Crown. All bUNC.
  14. GateGateGo

    MancFrank's Chump - Change Challenge

    1938 Half Crown - gEF / aUNC?
  15. GateGateGo

    MancFrank's Chump - Change Challenge

    1916 Half Crown - EF