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Powers of the Soho Mint

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Just wondering if anyone has any information about the Powers of the Soho Mint medal?

In particular number struck, how often they come on to the market and realised prices. I anticipate an answer equivalent to not many, hardly ever and a lot. But curious nonetheless...


Taken from The Copper Corner (http://www.thecoppercorner.com/history/bw_photos2a.htm)

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Not a clue as I have never seen one before and know nothing about medals, but if the image has come from the copper corner site then it is possibly a Taylor restrike. When the Boulton family sold off a lot of coins and medals 12 years ago, a lot of hitherto rare pieces appeared on the market. These were mostly restrikes by Taylor and it is now clear from the evidence that Matthew Piers Watt Boulton was in full time collaboration with Taylor in issuing the restrikes (as alluded to on the last page of appendix 10(e) in Peck). I think it might be useful to contact Tim Millet if you want a definitive answer of how many were put onto the market as he was given the job of dispersing them - though might not want to give you the answer. The numbers could be anything from 1 or 2 to rolls of 25.

Bill McKiver at Copper Corner took a lot of the restrikes for the US market, while others were sold onto the UK market through Tim and Spink. I don't know if Spink had any on their lists, but a quick check from 2000 onwards might give an indication as to how many they had. Multiple listings are likely to be discrete pieces rather than unsolds from previous lists, as seen with the P1260s which came in rolls of 25.

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That's an extremely attractive French medal - what's on the other side?

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That's an extremely attractive French medal - what's on the other side?

Boulton_Soho_o4_small.JPG Boulton_Soho_r4_small.JPG

The Powers of the Soho Mint. This interesting and rare medal was struck in 1803 by Matthew Boulton to provide information to the French about the progress the mint had made over the years, and the improvements that had been installed. It was done to stop a former Soho engraver, who was now at work in the French mint and was claiming the improvements as being his work. The medal is struck in French. Being a original striking, this medal was most likely put aside by Matthew Boulton. This medal was put aside by the Boulton's agent Tim Millett in 2002, and purchased from him in 2004. Original striking, 43mm. BHM 462. EX: Matthew Robinson Boulton holdings.

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I did manage to find a couple realised in auction:

1. http://www.sixbid.com/browse.html?auction=752&category=16734&lot=747955
Estimate £200, Realised £1,000 (May 2013)
2. http://www.noble.com.au/mobile/lot?id=109784
Estimate $300, Realised $400 (in 1997!)

More than I could do for a medal but if one ever slips through the net maybe.

Edited by damian1986

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I did manage to find a couple realised in auction:

1. http://www.sixbid.com/browse.html?auction=752&category=16734&lot=747955

Estimate £200, Realised £1,000 (May 2013)

2. http://www.noble.com.au/mobile/lot?id=109784

Estimate $300, Realised $400 (in 1997!)

More than I could do for a medal but if one ever slips through the net maybe.

It would be worth it for that particular one, I feel.

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