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Digital camera question

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I wonder if anyone on here can answer this question..

Have there been cheap digital cameras that have the ability to output video all the time,

and have a wired remote input so, for example, with it on a telescope, or facing a bird table, 

I can check what it's seeing remotely, and take a picture remotely, and without any shake....?

I don't want to get an expensive one and expose it to damage- I want to mess about with a cheap secondhand one....


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There are digital cameras which will take wifi input from a mobile phone to act as a shutter, as long as you've set up a link between phone and camera.  Most of the more recent (last 7 years or more?) will do so, but afaik not necessarily the cheap ones though you can always do research into that.

As for output of video "all the time", you are constrained by the cards used by the camera. Even fairly low quality video on a large - e.g. 64GB - card, you will only get so much continuous video. Again, you need to research this issue. Also bear in mind that European rules limit the length of continuous single shoot video, but I'm not sure why.

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ah...I'm trying not to use a laptop or smartphone as a remote, and I'm not bothered about the storage size- I just want the video to 'loop through'

the camera into a remote monitor, so I can monitor continuously...

Maybe I'll find that the first problem is stopping the camera going to sleep...

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If phones can connect to cameras using wifi, then the reverse should also be true?

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My phone runs on logs.

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