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Looking For a Low-Grade 1622 Sixpence

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Looking to purchase a 1622 sixpence for use in my wedding next year to put in my bride's shoe (1922 sixpences are icky due to the alloy used, 1822 sixpences don't exist, 1722 sixpences don't exist and the denomination didn't exist prior to 1551!)

Doesn't need to be good grade at all, in fact, due to it being mistreated and shoved in a shoe probably better that it isn't great grade!

I'm located in the US, but don't mind waiting for international shipping

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Yup, nowt wrong with that one. 

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Don't all 50% silvers turn greenish after exposure to the air though due to having something like manganese in the metal (same problem as the American 35% War Nickels and the newer "golden" dollars)

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It's to be placed in a shoe on a wedding day. Just buy a cheap half decent example and don't overthink it.

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