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  1. DrLarry

    access to information

    I should like to ask the newer collectors, of which I am one having only started four years back, a few questions. How easy do you think it is to get access to information on coins you want to collect? I find that reference books seem to choose arbitrarily which varieties they want to list and which they do not want to list. there appears to be no reason for the source of this discrepancy other than whether one person who has a variety want to push the books like SPINK to include it. It does not seem to be that they only choose the most common because some are listed as "PU possibly unique" it would be more useful to have access to the information in wikipedia at least that way if we searched for a coin type we could get some information. One long term member feels that there are just too many varieties to list in anything other than an encyclopedia. It seems that the science of digital photography and greater access to microscopes as well as "increasing number of collectors???" may be presenting too many new listings. I wonder then if we each of us find them why we cannot just list them as wikicoin pages. It seems clear that the books available in print form cannot keep up new findings so why can we not do it ourselves. I believe that you just have to register to begin making new events or pages. It may be that when a letter is put over another letter that it does not tell us much on the individual level put surely if there are enough pieces of information we might learn something new about the making of the coin or its history. Let's face it records have been lost by fires and the death of a collector who might have spent ages looking for things the only way to change that then is not to rely on the British Museum, or the collection of Cambridge or Oxford but to make the information freely available.