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Found 2 results

  1. DrLarry

    1879 Penny shuttle variety

    I could not find the previous discussion on the 79 shuttle type so I thought it best to start again. I managed to find another recently and this one is much better grade that the previous one . I know Jerry has another that he purchased at auction 152 item # 2434 and I listed another recently on a thread but on a search I could not find it again. It is clear on this specimen that the large lump of raised metal above the lighthouse is made up of four distinct units the base which takes on the appearance of the lighthouse used in later dates H rev I think it is (not that I am saying this is why it is I just mention it as the shape is similar) a blunt ended cone. The second layer seems to be similar in shape and form but offset to the left . A higher lump on the left base and lastly the highest section mid right. Interestingly it appears that the area below seems to be bordered by a fine raised line leading down to the top of the extant lighthouse. It may be that there is a depression. well it is an interesting variety (i think so in any case) the other one I have is the exact same outline but is less detailed (worn)
  2. I have been studying the bronze series for a few years under the microscope and would ask if anyone else has one of the the following in their collection: 1879 REV J penny large metal addition above the lighthouse. No sign of compression or metal distortion. Additional observation in subsequent examples of the 1879 penny show a raised mound and removal scars matching the form of the metal found on specimen A. The metal is at its highest 1 mm off the surface rises in the middle. defined edge and coincidentally seems to match reverse H lighthouse top. It is an intriguing metal addition and I would ask if anyone has any evidence in 1879 pennies of anything similar. In 3D visualisation of the anomaly there is no strike to any of the metal in the vicinity which could cause a ripple in the metal. Note that the metals medial apex would shift anything slightly to the left of the present light house REV J all other features so far remain the same for this die type, although I have to look in more detail.