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  1. Numismagician

    1992 Lion £1 Coin?

    Scratch that, seems to be a daily (?) upload limit of 501kb
  2. Numismagician

    1992 Lion £1 Coin?

    Here's some photos of the fake, with edited versions that should hopefully show more of the details. I shrunk each pic down massively in order to attach them and hopefully not clog things up with multiple posts (should take one more post to post the rest though)
  3. Numismagician

    1992 Lion £1 Coin?

    Thanks for the replies everyone, and apologies for the late reply - will photograph and measure it
  4. Numismagician

    1992 Lion £1 Coin?

    Hello, I've come across a £1 coin dated 1992 with a 'Standing Lion Rampant' design - can anyone shed some light on whether this is definitely a fake? I can't find record of it anywhere or even any other examples, save for this one on eBay - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fake-1992-wrong-year-not-1999-94-Scottish-LION-RAMPANT-copy-1-ONE-POUND-COIN-/132308942283?hash=item1ece3a3dcb:g:EWUAAOSw1xhZovfB I enclose a short video of me turning it over as two separate photos of each side wouldn't be proof that they are both of the same coin: P.s. I'm new to all of this, so apologies if wrong section etc. Thanks!