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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    There's a new big budget costume drama series called 'Harlots', about prostitution in 18th century London, beginning next week on BBC 2. During the trailer we see coins being thrown into a coffer already filled with money. Here's a screen grab. 18th century?
  2. 2 points
    And did you see the other listings? 25 years? Cracked out of a package newly landed from China. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Coins/11116/m.html?item=224097567098&hash=item342d41817a%3Ag%3AD7kAAOSwvgVfIIaY&_ssn=dcb.99 Is that 1845 horror show tooled? Why bother? Polish a turd and what do you have? A shiny turd. Boom boom. I'll get me coat….
  3. 1 point
    Pedantry? actually that's the kind of error which seriously irritates me in period dramas. It's on a par with one I saw set in the 1890's, where you got a quick glimpse of a satellite dish on the side of someone's house. Forgotten what it was called. Or the continuity errors where an actor is talking to someone, and after the reply when the camera moves back to him, he's wearing a different tie. Then (being interested in trains), I saw one film from the 1950's which showed a train about to leave, and after the camera panned back to the locomotive after a romantic goodbye, same class of loco, but with a different number. Oh and not forgetting the film apparently set in December, where you can see fake snow falling outside the window. Then when they shoot outside, all the trees are in full leaf, and the shadows cast by the actors, very short - and it's not "6 months later". Oh and when they come in from the snow, the flakes just stay intact on their coats, instead of rapidly melting which they would in real life. ...and don't get me started on fake lightning, always cast as directly overhead, so the thunder is immediate.... OK call me a sad but observant pedant if you like.
  4. 1 point
    No Mike, it's an update of the 1860-1901 Victoria book. There a couple of 1 page additions/replacements for new obverses/reverses such as the new Obverse with 145 teeth, and section 3 (pages 33 to 94) has been effectively re-written to include new varieties, mostly different date widths and/or overdates. New pages have been added with a suffix. e.g Page 34A so that the total of pages will have increased by a dozen or so, but that entire section will need to replaced in the binder with the new pages.
  5. 1 point
    Just out of interest Father Andrew had already addressed this issue, and he of course used the correct terminology, minor varieties.
  6. 1 point
    That doesn't looked cleaned.
  7. 1 point
    Michael got back to me about the book . He has a new update coming out in the next few weeks (it is being proof read as we speak ) .Bigger pictures and another 94 pages .I will wait and get the book with the updates , but the update is also available to owners of the 1st edition for £10 plus postage . The new book with updates will be £60 .
