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Help identifying silver hammered coin

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Hi all,

Looking for some help identifying a coin. It has a diameter of 17mm. Not sure of it's weight. Any help appreciated.





Edited by Declan1965

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Difficult to nail down specifically from the images, but looks to be an Edward III Halfpenny. Do you have any sharper images?

Edited by HistoricCoinage
Although had I not seen 17mm I would've said Edward I/II penny...

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12 hours ago, HistoricCoinage said:

Difficult to nail down specifically from the images, but looks to be an Edward III Halfpenny. Do you have any sharper images?

Hi HistoricCoinage,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Coin is quite worn so it's difficult to get sharper images. I have uploaded a short video here (hope it helps).

Thanks for the info, it is much appreciated as I know very little about hammered coins.

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Thanks for the video, Declan. Much clearer and definitely not an Edward III. Looks to be a class 10cf penny of Edward I or II. There is some overlap of the reigns here. 

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