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  1. Dear Jaggy

    I have been struggeling with the 1887 sixpences for several years. I am not worried about all the R/V R/I or JEB on trunk, these are the basics from Davies. I am concerned about The filled crown on the reverse which seems to have two obverse dies. I am listing 7,8,9,10 obverse varieties of R/I inc A/A. I am worried about the different obverses that go with type three reverse and indeed the two main varieties of type 3 reverse. Would you be a good person to talk to? Looking at your profile picture you seem to know a bit about 1887 and wonder if you got anything from the sale of Alfred Bole sixpences sold by DNW.  

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    2. jaggy


      Yes, plain edge with 'Made In Bavaria' n the edge. 

      Bought at Glendinings, 9/9/1992, lot 126.

    3. jaggy


      Also, DNW 12/12/05 & DNW 29/9/10 are the same coin.

    4. 1887jubilee


      Splendid. It is always good to have provenance. I would be interested in this coin. Perhaps for cash or a combination including some other rare sixpence such as the 1887 A/A or the 1887 filled crown proof with 110 bead reverse. The mule of obv. R/I with type 3 SIX PENCE reverse might be one you don't have. I must say I have only seen 3 in my life.

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