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Mr T

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Posts posted by Mr T

  1. On 5/29/2024 at 9:05 AM, BottleCapDave said:

    I shall be snapping them up in the years to come then :) I wonder if there is anyway I could get an official response from the mint as to the origin of these varieties and how they were dispersed. All the information I have seen has been conjecture.

    In Australia at least there were experiments from the 1940s onwards I believe with chrome-plated dies which gave the coins a much brighter finish - maybe the Royal Mint were doing something similar?

  2. 16 hours ago, jelida said:

    He clearly took the halfpennies and farthings too as within five years of his initial work he was ready to publish the authoritative bronze volume.

    A shame he didn't publish the raw numbers for the lower denominations.

    6 hours ago, SilverAge3 said:

    Surely this was a long project. He may have even stated how long, but I can't recall.

    I'm sure I read he got interested in the 1940s when he was in primary school (I think). I don't remember where I saw that though.

  3. On 1/7/2024 at 9:50 PM, Ukstu said:

    I just got a Usb DVD drive off amazon for my daughter for college £13 a few months ago.

    If you make a Googlemail account you get an online drive with it. Think its 15gb. I have a folder on that for PDF , ebooks etc. I just file it all in that. I will probably back it up at some point to a tangible source I own. 

    Still keep your own copy - last year something went awry and Google was incorrectly classifying people's personal files as pirated content.

    • Like 1

  4. On 12/10/2023 at 12:56 AM, Paddy said:

    It insists on sending out separate invoices for each lot sold,
    The process for requesting combined invoices is complex and requires manual intervention by AUCTIONET, not the auction house,
    The postage costs are set very high, and by default are charged separately for each lot, with minimal discount for combined postage when achieved

    Sounds like how ebay works these days...
