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Bronze & Copper Collector

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Everything posted by Bronze & Copper Collector

  1. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Let's not get too "Saucy"
  2. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Penny Acquisition of the week

    An 1827 in that condition would be welcomed in any collection.
  3. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Halfpenny ID check

    Sure looks like a 14 & N... Nice find and nicer than mine
  4. Bronze & Copper Collector

    1684 Large silver coin ID.

    Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, other people ARE a silver spoon.
  5. Bronze & Copper Collector

    More Pennies

    Disclaimer: I'm looking at this on my cell phone. All I see is an F-29 obverse 6, reverse D. What could be confusing is that I do not see the LCW on the reverse. It could be the imaging, a worn die, or something else. But so far as I can tell it's a reverse D.
  6. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    That would be an interesting "Twist".
  7. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Halfpenny ID check

    I use all the above AND Richards website.. I think I'll print it out and have a GREAT REFERENCE BOOK!!! It will just need to be updated periodically...
  8. My interpretation of those distinctions is that both coins are struck in copper. While the Copper Proof is 'As Struck', the Bronzed Copper is the Copper coin subjected to Bronzing. A Bronzed coin (or Medal), without distinction, COULD be struck in ANY metal (I'm not saying that it IS struck in any metal), and then Bronzed.
  9. A HUGE Thank You to Rob for that exceptional explanation (as always). I'll toss in my nomination to have Rob elevated to Professor Emeritus, resident Guru, some such title to recognize his enormous contributions to our knowledge base.
  10. The assumption is that the cataloger got it correct. Granted that they have MUCH MORE experience than I have, and I am loathe to dispute their attribution, but we all know that mistakes occur. Caveat emptor.
  11. Ditto... Gut feeling based on very little experience. I would suspect, however, that a coin that has been bronzed would NOT display any luster (lustre). I think it might also display a slightly different surface texture. Whereas a coin as struck, would display some natural luster, at least until it disappears with handling or age.
  12. Bronze & Copper Collector

    My Browsers have ground to a halt

    I would suspect using cpu resources first.
  13. Bronze & Copper Collector

    My Browsers have ground to a halt

    Windows Task Manager???
  14. Bronze & Copper Collector

    The Iain Dracott halfpenny article

    PM sent...
  15. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ernest Bramah - English Regal Copper Coins

    It might be in contention for Best Line of the Year...
  16. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Help With Denarius Identification

    Being an Emperor would trump Trump being only a President... Maybe the the etymological root of 'trample' is actually 'trump'. As in the following. "The Emperor exhorted the populace to 'trumple' over the Senate."
  17. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Anyone not able to upload pictures, like Azda and me?

    I had a problem last time I had to upload images. Secret Santa posted them for me....
  18. Bronze & Copper Collector

    More Pennies

    As I'm still looking for an example, I would be content if I had found it. More convincing than the superpoor possible VIGTORIA that I found a while back..
  19. Bronze & Copper Collector


    Just so long as that they don't go a bridge to far...
  20. Bronze & Copper Collector


    Any Crowns???
  21. Bronze & Copper Collector


    The end of civilization as we knew it...
  22. Bronze & Copper Collector


    Thank you Richard......
  23. Bronze & Copper Collector


    For some reason I am unable to upload the images.... I'll keep trying...
  24. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay fees???!!?!?!

    As a regular seller, I am sure you are aware of the following, but I restate it for the record.. There are a many added fees for additional services which, IF you use them can add up very rapidly (ie: bold, picture paks, highlighted, additional country site, etc.). On a lower priced item, these fees can vastly increase your cost percentage. These fees are less likely to be as obvious nor skew your percentages on a higher priced sale. Another factor to consider is the cost of listing and relisting items that do not sell the first time around. It's very easy to jack your costs up with little or no appreciative added value to your gross sale. The fees only serve to cut into your net profit and/or increase your expenses.
  25. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Halfpenny ID check

    I got PLNNY of nothing......