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Everything posted by kelticgeordie

  1. kelticgeordie

    Is this PVC damage?

    Hello chaps! This is my first posting on here. I agree with Rob, these SCHULZ album pages are almost sure to contain PVC. If it doesn't say "inert" anywhere ...then assume they will contain PVC. I'm really surprised tho' that none of you regular guys have advised that you can buy inert coin envelopes here on this website , developed by Predecimal. They'll be small enough to fit into some of the sleeve pockets in the album you bought. http://www.predecimal.com/coin-accessories-c-23.html?osCsid=k48solf995hlq36u7u268thrb2 I bought a couple of packs and they're excellent and obviously just the job for long term storage 😉 I hope this helps you Lotad.