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Everything posted by Chingford

  1. Farage himself said He will happily accept his £35k pension having served in the EU, part of the EU divorce payment is to facilitate these pension pots. The bigger players I accept will get Directorships and other lucrative deals as Lobbyists/Speakers but the relatively unknown MPs serving as MEPs are entitled to a Pension even serving only a short time whichever Country they represent.
  2. I meant that the Majority vote was No, not that they didn't receive any vote, bad grammar on my part. Labours own deal has been voted on after Mays Deal on two occasions of the last three and lost by over 80 votes both times. The problem with Norway Plus deals is that we would not be able to do our own deals outside of the EU and we would still be bound by the European Courts, currently the EU sets all the tariffs and dictates who any members can trade with, like all EU Members we impose the tariff and then pass these on to the EU coffers. It is described as a Customs union and single market but really it is a closed shop to ensure members goods and services are traded within the Union, cheaper alternatives are spurned through legislation, red tape and lobbyists are paid to gain favour, it is not an open fair or competitive market place. Neil Kinnock is a good example of failed Politician going to the EU and making millions for himself, Mrs Kinnock and Master Kinnock, it is a cash cow for Politicians and hence the resistance by most MPs to Leave this Union. I believe we currently have over 60 MEPs, I could name two/three at best but couldn't tell you what positive contribution they actually make to the UK. I for one do not want to vote in another EU election, but I would see this as an opportunity for both Remainers and Leavers to express their dismay at how the two major parties have treated a democratic vote by not voting for either Parties candidates should these elections happen.
  3. A Norway Option was in the 8 options selected last week, all received No Votes
  4. Just heard on the news that Parliament will once again take control on Monday, most appropriate considering it will be the First of April, All Fools Day.
  5. The EU will need all 27 to agree, France have already made clear it would not. It is an unfortunate conclusion, all motions have been tabled and none are acceptable to a majority, these options included a referendum, remaining, Corbyns ideal and other alternative customs union etc.. The way forward now would be a clean break no deal scenario, that would be the shot up the arse reality check that both Parliament and the EU need to sit down and get a deal done.
  6. And Blair has been advising the French
  7. If nothing else happens between now and the 29th March, by default we leave with no deal, as written in law. May needs the agreement of the EU members, all 27, to extend beyond that date.
  8. I was only 7 at the time of decimalisation, but it was the beginning of my Interest in coins and started me collecting. At School we were being taught the new decimal systems, in measurement with coloured blocks of wood and tables/cardboard coins for monetary comparison, I still have the tables somewhere and will post it when I can find them. My most vivid memory was going to the Corner shop with my siblings and them handing over their old coppers to receive shiny new but smaller coins, I wouldn't exchange my larger coins for smaller ones and kept them, finding them out years later and building my collections from them.
  9. I didn't realise that there were that many MPs
  10. I am not sure that the Vote last night is legally binding, it would need to go through several processes to become enforceable. The default position remains the same, we would leave on 29th March with or without a deal, unless an extension is agreed by the EU, as is written in law.
  11. That is the point, these Governments didn't like the result so they went back out with reworded options rather than respect the results. If the populous had voted leave again there would have probably been more referendums until they got the result they wanted, Kier Starmer on BBC this morning has said there would be only two options, either the 'bad Deal' or remain, already indications the referendum will be weighted towards remain. That referendum has been done and dusted, it should be respected whichever way you voted. The question should be Deal or No Deal. Calling it a 'Peoples Vote' only disguises the fact it will be a referendum rerun. Labours own 'Brexit' version is to stay in the custom union, stay in the single market and have a place on the top table for decision making..basically that is remain. it would mean accepting EU laws and freedom of movement, the two main reasons people voted to leave. MPs are pushing for extension to negotiations after 29th March, first it was a year or two, now it is only up until May. which seems conveniently aligned with the EU parliaments members election. The next General/Council elections will be interesting.
  12. Unfortunately there is already a precedence for Governments to call a second referendum on EU votes they don't like, and a couple have just ignored them, Ireland was first with Lisbon Treaty, followed by France, Denmark and Greece, now it would seem the UK. Most Polls before the referendum showed clearly most asked wanted to Remain, the actual vote proved different, so I would discount them as a barometer of public feeling. A second referendum would do untold harm to the Political system whatever the outcome
  13. Building started, Completed 😃
  14. Ironically if the EU do not compromise on the backstop, in 37 days they will have to impose the border themselves. Who will blink first.
  15. Good clean and clear example, quite scarce
  16. Missed the gynecologists and their fannying around
  17. Best irony I thought was this weekend regarding the Republic of Ireland If we leave without a Deal the EU have said they will impose a Hard Border between North/South Ireland, In the meantime the Vice President of Ireland says they will not support an option without the current Backstop to prevent there being an Hard border, therefore if all the other EU members review and suggest an alternative to the Backstop arrangement, the EU will still unable to pass it as one member will vote against. so they will get a Hard Border anyway!?
  18. Eu do not want a No Deal scenario, it would be the worse outcome for them and have a profound impact on all the EU Members not just the UK, therefore I believe it is our strongest position and could therefore be traded to improve the deal if necessary not just given up.
  19. European Elections coming in May, could be several Politicians seeing their EU 'Cash Cow' disappearing over the horizon. I don't think it matters how you voted this is supposed to be a Democracy and events recently, by all Parties, moving to take control and motioning wrecking bills to stop any progress being made, has shown this isn't the truth. Scotland are now gearing up for another Independence referendum, it gives me the impression though the Politicians are saying, 'you got it wrong, lets try again', until they get what they want, voters opinions count for little unless you agree with the Politicians. The majority of MPs are self serving and not for the People who put them in their positions. Everyone seems to have forgotten the first year was spent negotiating with the EU on the divorce bill, at the time TM asked to secure the positions of people living in the EU and in the UK, the EU refused to move forward on any agreement until the divorce settlement was agreed. If the motion to Block a No Deal passes through, we have effectively surrendered our strongest negotiating position.
  20. Not sure they can now with the 'wrecking bills' tabled over the last week, restricting spending on a No Deal, and also Parliament taking over the negotiations. The vote of No Confidence also limits the time May has to go back to the EU. Anything and everything to frustrate the departure is being done, unfortunately even the Labour Party is split, Corbyn wanting to leave as did the majority of Labour voters, while the rest of his Party and Party Members want to stay in. It seems to me that Parliament are saying don't worry we will fix it for you, you clearly didn't understand the question and meant Remain.
  21. Chingford

    1854 Penny: Fake or not?

    It is an OT, Ornamental Trident. If you are comparing with a PT then you will see there are subtle differences. The Colons are all over the place with Copper Pennies and Halfpennies. The fakes are more crisply struck and side by side with an authentic coin you will see the distinct design differences on both the Obv and Rev, I can't see any problems with this coin, CP1854 are a very large mintage and you can easily pick up very decent examples for relatively very little money.
  22. I don't think Corbyn has ever really been the 'Leader' more a front for Momentum, I believe they formed in 2015 to support his Bid as leader and supported him when challenged, since then they have effectively taken over the NEC. A report earlier this year said they had motioned an action that they could remove the Labour Leader and put in place a 'temporary' leader under their instruction until a suitable replacement was found. i.e. They could run the Party/Country in the meantime, Don't know if it ever got through though.
  23. This probably the reason nobody has challenged her leadership and why there hasn't been a vote of no confidence, who would want to take over at this moment in time
  24. I think Rob makes a very good point, remember one small Provence, Wallonia in Belgium, held up the Canadian deal. We could have France veto until Fisheries are agreed to reflect current quota, Spain until we agree to talks regarding sovereignty Gibraltar to highlight a couple
  25. Watched the BBC Business news this morning, reported that the general feeling between Business leaders is that even a No Deal Brexit would be considered more favorable than a Momentum Labour Government, both would see businesses exit to other shores and shares/£ fall in value, the latter causing more.