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Everything posted by kuhli

  1. Umm, one penny new pence?? They stopped putting "new" on the coins in 1981. There were sterling silver proof one penny pieces issued in sets in 1996, 2000, and 2002.
  2. It is 99.99% pure gold, and thus, worth it's weight in gold!! As Chris said, you could easily sell it for it's true value, which is 1 ounce of pure gold. (today's gold market set the value of 1 ounce of gold at just over £226.)
  3. You can always list the dates here, and we can give you a quick estimate if anything might have any value. Chances are that they have little value to sell, but if you have a younger cousin/nephew/relative/friend that you could pass them on to, perhaps you could spark some interest in that youngster, and they may become life-long collectors.
  4. Chris, I doubt anyone (other than me!) would even notice this error, but on pg 85, under the decimal coinage section, for the pennies, you have 1984 listed as FROM SETS ONLY, which is not correct. It was a regular circulation piece, with a mintage of 154,759,625 (from the 1999 CCGB!). The penny, 20p and £1 were the only circulation pieces minted that year. The rest of the denominations are indeed from sets only.
  5. kuhli

    error alert

    Page 6 introduction to fractional farthings. paragraph ends " For a range of farthings that is second to none" should there be something else there?? just doesn't look right. maybe the last line of the paragraph got removed??
  6. kuhli

    error alert

    Guesstimate?? or Guestimate?? guesstimate p12 1915 p27 1952 guestimate p18 1937 p26 1937 p27 1954
  7. Chris, The CCGB-2005 arrived yesterday. Beautiful book, excellent work, but I cannot seem to locate your autograph anywhere on it. Did I overlook a page?? I was also surprised to see how much some of the prices have changed since my 1999 edition was printed. I think you have done a great service with the improvements you have implemented with this latest edition. The Coincraft book arrived today. What a behemoth!!! I had no idea it was such an immense work!! I will be spending several days familiarizing myself with it. I was outbid this morning on an ESC, but will continue looking for one. (this one was from the eBay seller that JMD recommended... or was it HPJ??) He seems to list them regularly, so I will watch for another one to come up, and hopefully I can get it without too much competition. Or maybe one will come up on this side of the pond, which will make for lower postal costs, so I can bid a little more for it. The wife has been keeping a tight leash on my spending at the present. She wants a new computer this summer, and is setting aside a little each week (most of which comes directly from my coin allowance).
  8. I really don't think it matters, just whatever the designers decide. If you think that the 5 shillings = 1 crown is confusing, look at the florins. Just for the UK, you have the "Gothic" florins, which read "one tenth of a pound", then you have the Edward VII and George V, which read "one florin", and then you have the George VI and Elizabeth II, which read "two shillings". No wonder they had to go decimal! Too confusing for these modern kids to understand.
  9. kuhli


    I hear you, StuJoe. I got tired of waiting for the inevitable, and started shaving my head daily. Now, instead of having to look forward to baldness with dispair, I can now look forward to retiring the razor, which is a more optimistic outlook for the future.
  10. The Voice of At-Hlan; Channeled Information from Atlantis to Sivins by Roger Keenan 1996 Rotographic Publications, Torquay, England ISBN: 0948964529. Chris, what can you tell us about this title?? Did you acquire it with the others??
  11. Sounds like a copy of an Elizabeth I "fine" sovereign (30s or double noble), which was gold. The legend on the reverse is Latin for "This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes." (Psalm 118:23)
  12. Mr. Robinson, Just a little correction to your list: 1424 Henry V Penny (York) VF @(price removed for privacy) Is it 1424 (which fell during the reign of Henry VI), or is it Henry V (with a different date)?? Scott
  13. tell me what you see, what you think. Chris, you want it?? Got a request for a valuation, with an interest in selling.
  14. It is indeed a Russian 3 kopeks coin from the reign of Czar Nicolas I. There are 2 different mint marks for this coin (I cannot make it out in your pictures), below the date. It will be either EM (Ekaterinaburg) mintage 3½ million VG=US$2, F=US$4, VF=US$7.50 or BM (Warsaw) mintage 100 thousand VG=US$4, F=US$7.50, VF=US$15
  15. It is common knowledge (at least over here in the US) that the 2003 Krause is to be avoided. It was the first issue printed from their computerized database, that is so riddled with mistakes, it is appalling that it was released in that condition. A major over-haul was done between the 2003 and the 2004 issues, and the '04 is much better, although there are still a number of errors remaining. I haven't gotten the '04 or '05 yet, and I didn't bother with the '03, so the latest edition I have is the '02. According to it (the 2002 edition), no mintage figures are given, but the value in UNC is $1.00. I would be skeptical of the information in your '03. Maybe someone with the '04 or '05 will come along with better information.
  16. Looking at all the stuff to the left, under my handle and avatar, I realize that today marks 1 year that I have been a member of this forum. I would like to thank each and everyone here for making it a great, enjoyable year. Special thanks go out to Sylvester, who pointed me this way (when he got tired of me pestering him about British coins on a different forum), and to our host, Chris. I may not post as often as others, but I try to visit daily, and try to offer assistance to all who wander into here, old and new alike. Scott
  17. My 1907 is plain edge. Neither Krause nor Yeoman mention a reeded edge variety.
  18. kuhli

    Quiet lately

    I'm still here. Just not many posts for me to reply to. Been doing some serious soul-searching, trying to determine where I am headed with my coin collecting, and whether it is the direction I want it to be or not. Have considered narrowing down some of my collecting areas, and doing more in-depth focused collecting, but I am too much of a flaky type and just jump into all kinds of hodge-podge stuff. If I could control my impulse buying, I think I could develop a nice collection, but not sure of what We'll see.
  19. kuhli


    Thanks for the heads-up Oli. I have put it on watch, and will consider bidding on it. I would like to expand my reference material, but with such a limited budget for me, it is hard to not use my money for more coins. I think I need to figure another avenue of income, to support my collecting. The wife has said that she would allow it, but that would cut into my internet time, which I find almost as valuable to me as my coins. I am expecting my daughter to spend the summer with me, perhaps I could convince her to help me liquidate some of my surplus coins, and use the funds to expand my bookshelf.
  20. kuhli

    Italian coin!?

    As Mark correctly stated, it is an original 1923 issue in nickel. The zinc ones would be dark grey, almost black, just like the photo of the 20 groszy I sent you. I had a 10 groszy, but it has some ugly white oxidation spots on it, and did not scan well.
  21. kuhli

    Italian coin!?

    It only lists the 1942-47 as being aluminum-bronze. 1947 was a transition year, and there was both the old type (with the crossed wheat stalks) and the new type (with the crowned shield), the old style is more common, but neither are rare.
  22. kuhli

    Italian coin!?

    Did some goggling, and it appears that this piece is a fantasy piece. Here is what I found out: although dated 1928, was minted in 1943 design based on 1928 issue, only official issue that has Vittorio Emanuele III wearing a helmet I found a similar piece on eBay, but dated 1943. here Also found mention of a 10 lire piece, dated 1918, similar (Mussolini on obverse, reverse has the same design as the official 1923 10 lire), also determined to be minted in 1943.
  23. kuhli

    Italian coin!?

    Doesn't show up in Krause at all. Looked at Albania, Eritrea, Somalia. Nothing. Not a single coin listed with images of Mussolini under Italy, not even in the patterns and trial strikes listings.