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"New Crown"

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For the starters in our midst.

If you are thinking of one of these, make sure you read the very miniscule writing just above the application form. These are NOT legal tender in the UK. They are for Tristan de Cuhna.

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Which, I may add is an island with 80 families and no more than 7 different surnames.

I had someone contact me with a Queens birthday crown and he wondered why he couldn't sell it. It was silver but had been gold plated and had rubies stuck to it! He thought it was British but the giveaway was the 'TDC FIVE POUNDS' in the legend.

AVIOD ALL LONDON MINT ITEMS, they just sell non collectable worthless junk. They are not in any way connected to the Royal mint, much as they like to pretend they are.

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Couldn't agree more about this particular 'coin.' On a slightly different subject what do people think of the new 2008 Elizabeth I crown? I don't usually like modern coins made for profit by the mint, but I have to say that this one, particularly in the proof form, is very appealing. What does the panel think?

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It is very nice but a tad expensive! I might wait until I see on on flea bay.


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gold plated and had rubies stuck to it!

Sounds very BLING! :lol:

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Because coins of the series I save are scarce (or expensive) I must admit to saving the crown size series (from Victoria). This means I have to slavishly buy all new issues :(

Never mind. I will probably put the lot on fleabay as a collection someday! :rolleyes:

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