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Citizen H

Victoria 1832, George III 1716, Anna 1703,

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in small amounts....Maundy?

Victoria 1832,  silver 2d

George III 1716,  silver 2d

Anna 1703, Silver 4d 


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Just now, Citizen H said:

in small amounts....Maundy?

Victoria 1832,  silver 2d

George III 1716,  silver 2d

Anna 1703, Silver 4d 

Any Comments and Ideas to values, please let me know, many thanks "H" 




Edited by Citizen H

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Hi H,

I am not sure any of those three would really be classified as Maundy money.

The 1838 twopence is one of two years in Victoria's reign when twopences were issued for general circulation, mostly in the colonies. (The other is 1848.)

For the other two, prior to 1797 pennies, twopences, threepences and fourpences were issued in silver for general circulation. The designs were the same for the Maundy coins, but the latter were generally of a higher standard. The circulation coins turn up generally well worn from day to day usage. The middle twopence is George III so the date must be 1776, not 1716.

Still very nice coins to have in your collection. Because these smaller coins are generally much cheaper than the larger silver coins of the same era, they make great collections. I set about trying to get all the dates for threepences and fourpences pre 1797 and have achieved all but 5 back to 1670. One is actually the 1703 fourpence you have!

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1 hour ago, Paddy said:

Hi H,

I am not sure any of those three would really be classified as Maundy money.

The 1838 twopence is one of two years in Victoria's reign when twopences were issued for general circulation, mostly in the colonies. (The other is 1848.)

For the other two, prior to 1797 pennies, twopences, threepences and fourpences were issued in silver for general circulation. The designs were the same for the Maundy coins, but the latter were generally of a higher standard. The circulation coins turn up generally well worn from day to day usage. The middle twopence is George III so the date must be 1776, not 1716.

Still very nice coins to have in your collection. Because these smaller coins are generally much cheaper than the larger silver coins of the same era, they make great collections. I set about trying to get all the dates for threepences and fourpences pre 1797 and have achieved all but 5 back to 1670. One is actually the 1703 fourpence you have!


You have done well. Like you I'm collecting the 'maundy' issues over that period, but I still have 20 to find. Funny enough the expensive ones tend to have been fairly easy, but there are some dates I don't think I have ever seen.

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 Hello Paddy & DaveG38

I did use a magnifying glass and I was tired when viewing....

on using the computer to in large the pictures you can see that there's imperfections, I have read the forum and talk of worn dies, I have now seen the  1 that looks like a miss print 7 ( the date for GIII would correctly be 1776, not 1716 as quite rightly pointed out by Paddy, ) Also the letter R also may be miss print.... this is all very new to me, incredible as well as very interesting... the smaller coins will be a real challenge. please take a look and see what you make of it, many thanks "H" 



GIII 2 pence .jpg

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4 hours ago, DaveG38 said:

Funny enough the expensive ones tend to have been fairly easy, but there are some dates I don't think I have ever seen.

Getting somewhat off topic but too right - I was telling a family member recently that there are some coins that money can't get you - only patience can.

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For @Citizen H, Yes, it looks like there are problems with a number of the letters on the 1776 twopence, but that is not scarce for that era. Interesting, but not changing the value enormously.

For @DaveG38- Does your 20 missing include 1 and 2 pence coins? I left those out - they are so small they drive me up the wall! I only went for the 3 and 4 pence coins - missing both the 1765s, which are always very scarce, the 1792 3 pence (wire money), and then for some reason 1743 and 1703 4 pence. I haven't searched for these for years, maybe I should have another look.

For @Mr T, I agree on patience. I got the majority of my collection through serendipity rather than great expense. Many came to me when I was dealing as part of bundles offered to me for sale in the markets, or in response to general newspaper adverts. These days too many people are internet savvy and so these bargains don't happen much anymore. Recently I have had to lay out more serious money to fill the remaining gaps!

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For @Citizen H, Yes, it looks like there are problems with a number of the letters on the 1776 two pence, but that is not scarce for that era. Interesting, but not changing the value enormously.

Ah so Paddy, any ideas of the value, I need to mention this isn't a profitable exercise, I've never had these looked at and better I do this now then let the other bin these in my absence, I can remember they would have been 50p or £1 around 1992.... sad that this comes down to how much they are worth but this is the way things go,........

BWM 1914/18 medal was scrapped in the 1970's the price of silver went though the roof and the veterans wanted the money....there a lot of 14/18 Trios missing the BWM sad but the world spins and moves on and over everything.....

Thanking you all... "H"          

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Book price in Fine is £25 (Spink 2024), but I suspect it would make a bit more in the current market. Maybe £40?


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3 hours ago, Paddy said:

Book price in Fine is £25 (Spink 2024), but I suspect it would make a bit more in the current market. Maybe £40?


Hello Paddy and thank you, I did think the Anna would have been the more interesting of the trio, I did have a look see and yet nothing I could find,  

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With the Anne 1703 Fourpence I can give you a more up to date valuation. Prompted by your post and the reminder that it was one of the few dates I was still missing, I found one on Ebay and have bought it. I would say similar or very slightly better condition than yours and I paid £55 plus postage for it.


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1 hour ago, Paddy said:

With the Anne 1703 Fourpence I can give you a more up to date valuation. Prompted by your post and the reminder that it was one of the few dates I was still missing, I found one on Ebay and have bought it. I would say similar or very slightly better condition than yours and I paid £55 plus postage for it.


Well Done with your 1703 Paddy, please be sure to show yours once it arrives, Many thanks "H" 

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