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I've noticed that the online shop of jncoins seems to be closed although they seem to be  still trading on Ebay. Does anyone know if they are going to reopen as buying via Ebay from Australia is expensive. The shipping charges are exorbitant and 10% GST is levied. However if buying direct from a UK dealer from Australia the shipping charge is considerably less and items less than $AU 800  in value do not attract GST. This makes Ebay  uncompetitive thanks to Australian retailers lobbying the government on online purchases via Ebay Amazon etc. It would have to be something very special to tempt me to buy via Ebay and normally I buy direct from dealers such as GB Classic coins, and  again jncoins in the past


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I have never used them, but I understand your views on Ebay!

Have you tried emailing them - or messaging them via Ebay?


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I noticed this the other day. Do you know and trust anyone here in the UK that could buy it and send it to you instead?

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It would be easiest to email them and ask about their website. But the message "Stored Closed" seems pretty ominous. If it is temporary, it would say something like "website is down due to maintenance" or "new website will be coming soon". 

But it doesn't make much sense to be selling just on eBay when they have their own website. I have almost forgotten about them but do recall that they had a well presented website.

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Their Instagram page hasn't been updated in years. 

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