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1954 fake one penny coin

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I have from my late father a fake 1954 one penny coin. I understand the history regarding the rarity of this penny. The penny is accompanied with a letter from the royal mint dated 1966 which concludes the penny was a 1964 with the 6 being changed to a 5. 

Is it worth auctioning this penny with the accompanying documents? Any advice is welcome

Many Thanks 

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I could imagine it selling for £50 to 100 if it’s a REALLY good fake, but if it’s an obvious one to the naked eye then the value would be minimal. The value is in the quality of the workmanship.


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I bought this one for £30 3 years ago for novelty value.


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I can recall seeing a 1954 penny on a stall in the indoor market at Barnstaple, some 10-15 years ago. Not sure if this was Paddy, but the stall was on the left immediately inside the main access door.

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That was not me - I was not there that long ago. I suspect it would have been Brian, who was there a lot longer. Both of us now retired from the market.


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3 hours ago, Paddy said:

That was not me - I was not there that long ago. I suspect it would have been Brian, who was there a lot longer. Both of us now retired from the market.


Interesting that the market was featured on tonight's BBC Spotlight

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