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On 5/19/2023 at 1:27 PM, kai1998inc said:

Lastly, Penny (solder marks on rev.)

Penny Obv.jpg

Penny Rev.jpg

I recently found a plastic version of this abacus counting toy .  Would you say it might be similar ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325664176722?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5Lgy4GGbTDa&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=h5XdnfNFTNi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

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3 hours ago, DrLarry said:

I would say it works on the same principles, coins sliding along a built frame, used for teaching children. 

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Apologies for not doing much to Toy Coins been busy rebuilding my camper took a nice trip up the northumbrian coast painting .  Beautiful beahes and lots of castles.  A full set of the School merit Awards  The Princess Charlotte 290, 291,292. 

Here are a few pieces 

CM230618-100447003 (94x340).jpgCM230618-100539007 (108x340).jpg

CM230618-100502004 (340x330).jpgCM230618-100511005 (340x339).jpg

CM230618-100520006 (340x323).jpg

Edited by DrLarry

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This integer # 293 

CM230618-100332001 (340x302).jpgCM230618-100344002 (340x312).jpg

Edited by DrLarry

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a small cardboard dutch half cent 


CM230618-101226019 (340x330).jpgCM230618-101233020 (328x340).jpg

Edited by DrLarry

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Does anyone know who it was who purchased that S G Onions 3 Fourpence make a shilling token last night.  It sold for an extraordinary price £103 .  I thought I was being generous at £25 LOL  but yes it is a rare one, unseen by Rogers ,.  If it is you Kai please post a picture 



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9 minutes ago, DrLarry said:

Does anyone know who it was who purchased that S G Onions 3 Fourpence make a shilling token last night.  It sold for an extraordinary price £103 .  I thought I was being generous at £25 LOL  but yes it is a rare one, unseen by Rogers ,.  If it is you Kai please post a picture 



Hi Larry, not me, as I already have one, and it wasn’t the person who I thought was going to win either (I won’t name them as I don’t think they are a member). No idea who got it, but congrats to them, as it’s a very rare piece.

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31 minutes ago, kai1998inc said:

Hi Larry, not me, as I already have one, and it wasn’t the person who I thought was going to win either (I won’t name them as I don’t think they are a member). No idea who got it, but congrats to them, as it’s a very rare piece.

LOl  ok   yes it must be  very rare first one I have seen.  .  Hope you are keeping well ?


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it is nice to see the market is quite buoyant for toys and tokens at the moment 

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1 hour ago, DrLarry said:

LOl  ok   yes it must be  very rare first one I have seen.  .  Hope you are keeping well ?


All good here thank you, hope you are well too?

The one on eBay is only the 4th example I am aware of - this one, my own one, and 2 within a (presumably) full set, in the original mesh purse, in the original box (which I can only wish I owned!). Interestingly, the 2 in the full set are different. One has a grained edge and another plain.

Only ones I’m now missing are the Sovereign and Half Sovereign, which appear to be rarer than others likely because in the full set, there were only 1 and 2 examples of these respectively. The Penny however there were at least 6 of in each set, so more common.

Like you, I’m amazed and pleased to see toy/model money achieving good prices! This one surprised me, and also some of the H Hyams Model Crowns seen in good condition also, fetching £200+ each recently.

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Not ME  neither - i AM TO MEAN

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Hey there some of us have only a couple of these coins - it would be great if a full or near full set appeared in pics on here so that I knew what I was looking for.

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1 hour ago, copper123 said:

Hey there some of us have only a couple of these coins - it would be great if a full or near full set appeared in pics on here so that I knew what I was looking for.

Maybe subfolders for different collections of coins, not individuals, as any identification data will get lost as the topic expands, for example 

SG Onions

Coin boxes

Cardboard Coins - Peacemaker,

                               - Golden dreams .....


Would make it easier for new varieties to be identified and images to be shared

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In other words "I don't know my onions"

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S.G.Onions is the person behind my Albert PoW 12 PENCE MAKE ONE SHILLING (must be, as the initials SGO are on it.)

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On 6/26/2023 at 11:12 AM, kai1998inc said:

All good here thank you, hope you are well too?

The one on eBay is only the 4th example I am aware of - this one, my own one, and 2 within a (presumably) full set, in the original mesh purse, in the original box (which I can only wish I owned!). Interestingly, the 2 in the full set are different. One has a grained edge and another plain.

Only ones I’m now missing are the Sovereign and Half Sovereign, which appear to be rarer than others likely because in the full set, there were only 1 and 2 examples of these respectively. The Penny however there were at least 6 of in each set, so more common.

Like you, I’m amazed and pleased to see toy/model money achieving good prices! This one surprised me, and also some of the H Hyams Model Crowns seen in good condition also, fetching £200+ each recently.

I am excited to hear you have so many of the onions I would love to see them side by side too. I have been trying to collect them but I suspect I shall not now continue.  My collection is too broad a church and eventually have to decide what I can and can't collect.  

I'm happy there are some full sets around . Amazing really that they must have once been quite common in schools. 

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1 hour ago, Peckris 2 said:

S.G.Onions is the person behind my Albert PoW 12 PENCE MAKE ONE SHILLING (must be, as the initials SGO are on it.)

Yes one of the groats from the series sold for £103 the other day 

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On 6/26/2023 at 9:15 PM, Old Money said:

Maybe subfolders for different collections of coins, not individuals, as any identification data will get lost as the topic expands, for example 

SG Onions

Coin boxes

Cardboard Coins - Peacemaker,

                               - Golden dreams .....


Would make it easier for new varieties to be identified and images to be shared

Yes I did start off with sets and boxes but then it just grew organically.  Ironically I did not want to start with the most obvious lauer British as Rogers did in his book.  Really a website should be the best option but I would not know how to grow and manage it.  I think the field is lacking a good update and I know Kai was thinking of writing it for Galata books. 

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On 6/26/2023 at 7:18 PM, copper123 said:

Hey there some of us have only a couple of these coins - it would be great if a full or near full set appeared in pics on here so that I knew what I was looking for.



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4 hours ago, Old Money said:

One Toy Coin I have never seen another


That is seriously rare! Only 3rd known example I am aware of, after Rogers example, and my own example.

It's likely that David Magnay also had at least 1 example, but I am unsure where the piece might now be, or if it could be this example, or my own.

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4 hours ago, Old Money said:



A really nice set! You've done well to get that! The smaller size ones are so hard to come by.

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1 hour ago, kai1998inc said:

That is seriously rare! Only 3rd known example I am aware of, after Rogers example, and my own example.

It's likely that David Magnay also had at least 1 example, but I am unsure where the piece might now be, or if it could be this example, or my own.

Bought from USA a few years ago, see if I still have a record

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