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Master Jmd

Looking for a 1953 2+A farthing (not the proof version)

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Well I tried to fight the urge to pick up some more farthings, but their siren song is hard to ignore. ☹️

I'm interested in acquiring a circulation (not the proof version) 1953 2+A farthing. Ideally I'd like as close to flawless as possible, but I appreciate that's probably a tough ask.

I'd stick an offer amount here but I'm completely out of the loop when it comes to coin values. That said, I'm expecting to pay upwards of £75 for the condition I'm after.

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I have the proof - Colin Cooke thought it the rare version? That said I've never seen the currency one.


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I was looking for one for ages when Zo Arms kindly gifted me one last year, I still owe him for that.


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