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Peckris 2

Anyone want to cut out the middleman?

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I have a couple of redundant computers and a few other broken electronic devices. To cut out the Royal Mint, I'm happy to swap them for an agreed number of sovereigns.

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I bid minus half sovereign. 😁

I too have seen the video on bbc news. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-60796417

Each phone has 0.04g of gold apparently and is worth about £1.5. Hope the extraction is actually economically feasible rather than a gimmick. 

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...if you aren't ripped off by the refiners....what a mine field.

last time, a bag of old phone pcbs and 4 kg of tantalum capacitors was not refined as "not economic".

Didn't return it...just lost it......played my face big time so everyone involved know they were taking the p**s....

 The big bag of gold connector pins came out at .39% AU  by weight, so got £600......

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On 3/21/2022 at 9:04 PM, Sword said:

I bid minus half sovereign. 😁

I too have seen the video on bbc news. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-60796417

Each phone has 0.04g of gold apparently and is worth about £1.5. Hope the extraction is actually economically feasible rather than a gimmick. 

I heard one "expert" claim that 7% of the world's gold is tied up in electronics.

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