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Jeff morrison

1934 wreath cron

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Hi all, I'm a newbie here.

I have just purchased a 1934 wreath crown that has spent its life within the centre dail of a finger dial telephone that was made in 1933 and came from the "Crown Hotel" in Harrogate UK. The phone was a pyramid type and seems to have been made especially for the Hotel given its name "Crown Hotel" and that the Hotel name was on the body of the phone too. 

 The coin was in the centre of the finger dail where normally there would be a sticker and it was stuck in with a black resin type substance.

I have managed to remove the coin from the phone dial without any damage occurring, but had to boil it in order to remove the residual material. Surprisingly enough it has come out great, but I may do a Baking soda and aluminium foil wash just to finish it off.

 Here are some photos of said coin in its housing and after removal and I would really like to pick forum members brains about their thoughts to see if they are in agreement with me on its authenticity.

I do own a full set of replica wreath crowns just for their appeal, but recently saw this up for auction and thought what the heck, why not?

With the coin being encased in some sort of glue/resin this would have put a lot of bidders off because there was no way of knowing what the head side would look like and if indeed there was some chemical reaction damage to the coin. In fact there is very little, just a tiny bit that should come out with a Baking Soda bath.

 Take a look guys, opinions appreciated. 

Edited by Jeff morrison

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21 hours ago, Jeff morrison said:

Hi all, I'm a newbie here.

I have just purchased a 1934 wreath crown that has spent its life within the centre dail of a finger dial telephone that was made in 1933 and came from the "Crown Hotel" in Harrogate UK. The phone was a pyramid type and seems to have been made especially for the Hotel given its name "Crown Hotel" and that the Hotel name was on the body of the phone too. 

 The coin was in the centre of the finger dail where normally there would be a sticker and it was stuck in with a black resin type substance.

I have managed to remove the coin from the phone dial without any damage occurring, but had to boil it in order to remove the residual material. Surprisingly enough it has come out great, but I may do a Baking soda and aluminium foil wash just to finish it off.

 Here are some photos of said coin in its housing and after removal and I would really like to pick forum members brains about their thoughts to see if they are in agreement with me on its authenticity.

I do own a full set of replica wreath crowns just for their appeal, but recently saw this up for auction and thought what the heck, why not?

With the coin being encased in some sort of glue/resin this would have put a lot of bidders off because there was no way of knowing what the head side would look like and if indeed there was some chemical reaction damage to the coin. In fact there is very little, just a tiny bit that should come out with a Baking Soda bath.

 Take a look guys, opinions appreciated. 

cannot see a picture attached unfortunately

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Wasnt sure if these would show but are the coin.....In a phone thing and then taken out 🙂


Didnt realise they had been posted in the members thread aswell as these are off another forum with the same post :D

Edited by PWA 1967

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Congratulations - well spotted Jeff.  Thanks for the pics Pete, nothing came with the original post.

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