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Charles I Siege Pieces - Decent Reference?

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Does anyone know of a decent modern reference (hard-copy or online) that deals with Civil War siege-pieces?

North goes into not much more detail than Spink, if any - in fact Spink is better for many of them, such as the Newark varieties, in that there are more pictures. The most detailed reference I have found so far is Philip Nelson's "The Obsidional Money of the Great Rebellion" that gets quite specific to types and gives weights, but this dates to 1907 so any later-discovered variations would not be listed and the picture-quality is not that good.

Edited by hibernianscribe

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Maurice Bull's Charles I Half Crowns vols. 3, 4 & 5 covers that denomination. Morrieson's articles in the BNJ cover the various mints, Lyall's Chester in the SNC, Allen's W/SA in the BNJ, Hird's work on Newark, specialist denomination volumes will have the appropriate coins. Then there is private research.

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10 hours ago, Rob said:

Maurice Bull's Charles I Half Crowns vols. 3, 4 & 5 covers that denomination. Morrieson's articles in the BNJ cover the various mints, Lyall's Chester in the SNC, Allen's W/SA in the BNJ, Hird's work on Newark, specialist denomination volumes will have the appropriate coins. Then there is private research.


Thanks for your comprehensive answer.


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I can't afford one YET but it is on my coin radar.

My eldest daughter visited yesterday and I flippantly told her to help herself to my change pot...she took the lot.Word will get out and my youngest will visit soon. 

Siege piece will have to wait..:(

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My eldest managed to right off Mrs Peters car.She wanted to get on my MG's insurance but Mr insurance said no...Mrs Peter and her daughters have had so many accidents..the youngest even managed to smack my car with my wheel barrow...it is a BIG NO.

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1 minute ago, Peter said:

My eldest managed to right off Mrs Peters car.She wanted to get on my MG's insurance but Mr insurance said no...Mrs Peter and her daughters have had so many accidents..the youngest even managed to smack my car with my wheel barrow...it is a BIG NO.


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Muggins here is going to pay for their Honeymoons...Great Yarmouth in a B&B is missing from their agenda's ...I did take Mrs Peter to Kenya on honeymoon we had room 69 and the tour operator couldn't understand why on the return from Safari I requested the missionary room...I was tongue tied....Happy memories.

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Edited by Garrett

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