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Found 4 results

  1. Evening all, I have recently inherited some coins from my Father I have sorted most of them but these 2 shillings are a bit outside my area could you confirm that the James I shilling is mm grapes and a S2654 and that the Charles I is mm Crown and a S2791. I agree they aren't much to look at.
  2. myt

    James I shilling, mm Mullet

    Hi all, I am looking for a James I Shilling mm mullet, or if someone has a shilling with obverse mullet overmark? I actually asked DNW if they could relay a message to the winner of Dec2020 auction Lot 26, and surprisingly, I did not get a reply (kidding, it’s not surprising). If anyone has something they are willing to part with, I would be interested. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi, I was just wondering about thoughts on how common various degrees of double striking would be, like if someone was aware of some standard where a coin would have been rejected for distribution by the mint. I came across this James 1 shilling which is so double struck, the "M" in "MAG" looks like two "As" (among other things like two left shoulders and a distorted shield). Thanks for any thoughts!
  4. Hi all, I recently bought a J1 shilling which was posted with not too much description other than the photos (did not ID mintmark). From the pictures, I believed it to be fifth bust, tower mint mark (1612-1613). The mintmark is pretty worn on the obverse, and not visible on the reverse (however, I seem to make out the general tower shape and three parapets). When I received the coin, it had a ticket which ID'd the coin as 3rd coinage, 6th bust, mm Thistle... which I am assuming is either just wrong, or the incorrect ticket for the coin? I attached two photos below to see if others shared my thoughts... after receiving the ticket, I figured I would try posting on this nifty forum. P.S. After randomly reading some threads on coin photography, please excuse the stand-free living-room-light images haha.