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Everything posted by mick1271

  1. I hadn't noticed I said I got a tenner for it .I missed out a 0 .it was £100 ,I got for it lol. Any evasion halfpennies I have sold in the past always seem to end up in the US .
  2. I had a George II farthing with a George III date a few years back . I think I got £10 on ebay for it (straight to the States ). Wasn't a particularly grade condition coin , but had an identifiable portrait and clear date . A decent return for a coin that came out of a dealers 50p tub .
  3. mick1271

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    Hi did give me the opportunity when I enquired a couple of months back ,that I could have the current edition (and get the updates when they come out) or wait for an updated edition .He is possibly making sure everyone who already has it gets the chance of the updates before he releases the full updated version .
  4. mick1271

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    No email as of yet . Is he starting with amendments and additions ? I am waiting for a full updated edition , as I don't have the earlier one .
  5. mick1271

    More Pennies

    I already have a Gouby x . It is a horrible looking coin though. It has been polished to death , but at least I have one .....and it was cheap .
  6. mick1271

    More Pennies

    Thanks for showing this . It reminded me that I didn't have one , so I went on ebay to see what was on offer .Found one partially attributed with 10 mins to go with a 99p top bid .A gap filled for the princely sum of £1.04 lol
  7. An 84 proof set for sale on ebay for $1100 !!!! .A specimen set sold in June for £70 . Hopefully won't be as difficult to get as the 2002
  8. Thanks Richard . I have been messing about with it , and it seems idiot proof (which should suit me) . First attempt looks ok , not as good as yours though .I have used my own pics and not the ebay ones though. my own pic
  9. I am downloading it now . Hope it is easy to use .
  10. mick1271

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Going by the upright of the 7 splitting the lower loop evenly , I would say they are both 10c. Thanks for the information .
  11. mick1271

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2x-Queen-Victoria-Pennies-1848-High-Grades-/143696323059?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=zGNhOPeEfsB5VMffTHlQjngAylU%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc I don't own a copy of Bramah , so I wouldn't be able to tell the difference .The one that had the verd isn't far off Unc , but through a loupe ,I did notice someone had lightly scratched a FB on it (Couldn't see it with the naked eye , well not mine anyway lol).
  12. mick1271

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    The verd was just surface and came of easily (treated with Verdi care ) .Just looks like some carbon spots now.
  13. mick1271

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    Got 2 1848/7 pennies for £26 . Was struggling to get one for that price , but managed to get lucky .One has been cleaned ,but they are nice grades even if they do have some issues .
  14. Another date filled .Bought a couple of 1848 pennies from ebay . one has obviously been cleaned and the other had a bit of surface verd .The verd came off easily and treated it with Verdi-care , so it looks like it has a couple of carbon spots now .Hoped that they would be an 1848 and an 1848/7 , so I could have filled two gaps ( 8/6 would have been nice , ) , but both are 1848/7 . These are the ebay pics . I have tried for 20 mins to resize the ones I took ,and have given up .
  15. mick1271

    More Pennies

    top one is my straight one . bottom is the wavy one .It looks wavy with a loupe , but magnified more ,it has a narrower top part and it looks like the wavy part is caused by the number being more chamfered at the bottom .
  16. mick1271

    More Pennies

    Checked my 1902 LT and it was straight bottomed , but had a search in my spares box and found another 2 .One straight and one wavy .
  17. mick1271

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    Thanks Richard .I read it as 94 new pages , not pages updated and suffixes. My bad lol . I will look forward to it when it comes out .
  18. mick1271

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    Michael got back to me about the book . He has a new update coming out in the next few weeks (it is being proof read as we speak ) .Bigger pictures and another 94 pages .I will wait and get the book with the updates , but the update is also available to owners of the 1st edition for £10 plus postage . The new book with updates will be £60 .
  19. mick1271

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    I emailed Michael a few days ago .I haven't heard anything back yet , but It did say on the website , that they probably wont post again till the 4th Aug and they will send invoices out a few days prior .
  20. mick1271

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    Of Course I have , But I thought I would take it a bit more literally lol
  21. mick1271

    Florin 1849

    I don't like it either . The gown detail just looks mushy and indistinct .Possibly cleaned with something that hasn't done it any favours .
  22. mick1271

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    I believe shooting fish is illegal in the UK . I would need to move to the States to give that a try lol .
  23. mick1271

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    trying to get one direct from Michael . Hopefully get sorted . Thanks for the help Pete .
  24. I had been keeping my eyes open at collectors fairs etc (Central Scotland) for one . See plenty of obscure proof sets , but no 2002 Jamaica yet . .