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Posts posted by IanB

  1. 3 minutes ago, ChKy said:

    azda lives in Munich. He has an outside look onto developments like I have. It is important to look onto racism. No apology, that is my opinion. I do not like Pegida, AfD or UKIP. Feel free to look that organisations up by using Google. As "a nation who stood up to tyranny from a dictator  bent on world domination" you have the duty to fight such development in your own great country. Especially as a German citizen I have the duty as well.

    Good, lets fight racism together, it's a fight worth fighting. But comparing us to Hitler, come on, really!

  2. 1 hour ago, azda said:

    I'm not sure if you're following post brexit racism thats happening in The UK, we should also Sweep that under The carpet and move on. ??

    It looks like we are in agreement that racism is unacceptable and should not be tolerated, but is yours and Chky argument that we are now a nation of racist?

    I think we are not, we are a nation who has welcomed immigration for centuries as our DNA will attest to. There are small groups in every culture that hates others not like themselves, but to use it as an argument for the UK choosing to leave Europe is at best clutching at straws.

    Chky comparisons with Hitler are insulting to a nation who stood up to tyranny from a dictator  bent on world domination. A small nation of people who said NO we will not tolerate this. I think an apology is required please for all those who made the sacrifice.

    Please can we stop this fallback reaction of racism whenever someone disagrees with a political outcome that they do not like. It really is the default setting for those who have run out of arguments.

    • Like 4

  3. 8 minutes ago, azda said:

    IanB, the vote would confirm that the country is divided on the in/out question, also Chky is from Germany so he has nothing to Move on from. The other thing that seems to be Coming to The fore post brexit is The amount of hate crimes being reported, is Britain now becoming a xenophobic nation, Are we saying no one should entertain the UK As a destination due to fear of what could happen?

    The whole thing has and is now Running out of control, you'll be building intern camps soon, Germany 1930s is a reminder of what it Looks like.....

    Very few votes have a unanimous conclusion, however in a democratic society it falls to the loser to except the results, not how has been suggested that we keep having votes until the outcome changes.

    I figured that Chky was from Germany and it's obvious that he feels strongly about the outcome of the vote, but it was a vote that I guess he could not take part in. The result stands and the British people can argue about it or they can work together to get the best results for all and that includes Europe.

    To bring up the subject of internment camps is a very poor argument and really has no place in these discussions.

  4. 1 hour ago, ChKy said:


    Well that is news. Our country has been divided in one form or another for centuries but somehow we manage to pull through. We make a speciality of strength through adversity. 

    The British population voted to leave, get over it and move on and stop whining about it. We have a tough couple years ahead of us which we will get through because that's what the British people do.

    if you don't like it, then move.

    • Like 1

  5. Hi Damowain,

    Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you may need to pick up a couple of extra books. The Rotographic ones advertsed on this site, about grading and collecting will be very helpful.

    eBay is just one place to buy from, but be careful you do not rush in and buy everything you see just because you want some coins. Have a think on what you fancy, ask some questions on here and take your time.

    Go back through some of the old posts and you will start to see the names of dealers mentioned, also have a look at the coins for sale section and you will start to get a feel for things.

    you do not have to spend big money to get a few nice coins and remember don't worry if you miss a coin for sale, like buses there will be another one along shortlyB)


  6. 4 minutes ago, Nordle11 said:

    FYI - 35491, 16975, 23901 and 29895 are all soon to be mine just in case you're looking at those ;)

    All very, very nice Matt, my favourite one is the 1910. 

    Originally I thought I would take a couple of hours to have a look at his coins but now the do not disturb sign has gone up for the rest of the afternoon:ph34r:

    • Like 1

  7. Thank you Pete,

    I can log onto the CGS site but how do I search for TC Coins. I am sure its going to be obvious once you tell me but for the moment, I am have a blonde moment. 

    Apologies to all who are blonde, I best stop now before I say something about gingers as well :o

  8. That is a coin with a lot going on in the design and I am guessing its been in circulation. From the photo its hard to tell if it has been cleaned. Personally it would not bother me, I reckon you should carry on collecting them and let it be a lesson for the future. 

    Don't let this get you down, enjoy what you have and stick with it.
