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Posts posted by IanB
Yes please Pete, name in the hat.
45 minutes ago, UPINSMOKE said:I take your point as regards having better grades, but what do you do when you cannot find the grade you would like.
Keep looking. eBay is just one option.
I will PM you
3 hours ago, Peter said:You can specify the sizes you want. Although mahogany/rosewood are the prefered timber ,why not just sandwich the coins on a glass/hardboard frame.The backing colour can be a card of your choice and a dab of glue will hold the reverse sides into place.Then add an example of each of the obverse types. Obviously I would aim for nice clear coin of each type which do not need to be BU to show their asthetics.
That is so obvious I did not think about just laying them side by side. When in doubt follow the KISS principle.
Keep It Simple Stupid.
If you are going down the framing route then speak to a person who frames and mounts for a living. They will be able to cut the board accurately. Some will use laser cutters which gives consistency. Make sure you get non - reflective glass and you may even have to consider the type of wood used for the frame in case it has an effect on the coins. I believe mahogany is used for coin cabinets for this reason.
29 minutes ago, ChKy said:I did not of course. But I would have, if I would had permission to do so.
To be born, grown up, live and work in Germany does not mean that i can not express my opinion. And in my point of view I should express it. Perhaps for you inhabitants of the British isles the opinion of a continental citizen turns out to be interesting and worth listening...
As part of a democratic society you can express you views, just as every other member of that society is entitled to do. You and I do not have to agree with them.
However now that you have expressed your views can you please stop going on and on about it.
We are not all racists, far right. This was an interesting thread on a Coin Forum. If you feel this strongly about Brexit and the decline of Europe then maybe you need to take it up a level and get involved in politics and try and change it.
Just my opinion and if any one wants to disagree thats fine, but this is getting tiresome and boring.
10 hours ago, Colin G. said:So nobody won the rollover, looks like we are going to have to carry over to the final on Sunday...predictions?
France 2, Portugal 1. 18th minutes
Works now, thank you.
Thanks for the information guys. I can see what you mean by the picture that the coin looks like an ordinary bun head but it will have the added benefit of retaining it lustre. I am assuming a high carat gold 18 or 22?
Wonder why Her Majesty flogged it, surely she has a few bob put aside for a rainy day without having to sell of her collection.
Are there any pictures in existence. Is there a story as to why a gold proof?
49 minutes ago, PWA 1967 said:Sorry for the waffle......lets get back to coins
A little bit of waffle never hurt anyone
Link does not work
Manchester rhyming slang. Well would you Adam and Eve it, I ain't not never heard such a fing in me ol life.
Wales 3 the other team 2
30 minutes
2 minutes ago, PWA 1967 said:I have started sniffing lighter gas
For f@!k sake, please stay away from naked flames. I would hate to see your half pennies going up in flames
1 minute ago, PWA 1967 said:Already looked at my receipts and posted you my collection Ian as some i sent you.
Waiting for you to post my notification ,although kept your mail of when you sent to a foum member,although got the receipt to scotland but were forwarded on to london at a loss,then back to manchester.
Since then i passed them again to you however you sent some back and a couple got lost in the post and also he sent some back
Wonder were they are now
Wonder if i still have any ,but surely think if i remember some family member was given them ,but maybe not
Maybe in the next auction
It looks like you are drinking even bigger vodka and tonics than I am at the moment. If I keep on drinking I am sure it will start to make sense.
just to let you know I am having a bloody good day, sitting on the sofa listening to some good music, drinking rather large vodka and tonics and watching the birds flying past the window. Life is good, long may it last.
All the best.
I look forward to winning the football bet, my balls are never wrong.
3 hours ago, PWA 1967 said:You would only waste it on daft coins
Money buying money not such a daft idea. We had better be careful in case the government find a way to tax us or we are accused of money laundering.
That is a lovely coin and with a nice bit of tone developing.
IMO the coin is some where between fair and fine. If you think about how a coin would wear the high points will go first, hence the ear is nearly gone as well as the detail in the hair. There is still a little detail around the nose and eye but this is probably being protected by the lettering and the rim of the coin which will be slightly raised. The same goes for the reverse the high points will wear first, which you can guess at from the picture.
As to its worth the book is saying £20 for fine, but IMO the coin is below that grade.
26 minutes ago, PWA 1967 said:Instead of a Rang Tang coin Ian might be better on the lottery numbers
If only my balls would come up
I would be a happy man.
Just rubbed my crystal balls and the spirits are telling me 20 mins into the first half. So there is no confusion thats the first goal from either team?
Germany 2, France 1
Just sent you a PM
Just heard the radio, Iceland are 4 nil,down. Guess I don't get the coin. Unless I can change my mind and say 4 nil to France
New to coin Collecting Help Needed
in Beginners area
I will take a shot and say near EF. The fingers of Britannania look in good condition as does the arm and hand holding the shield. The detail on the helmet looks okay as well. The picture is a little blurry so the fine detail is difficult to say. The obverse again looks okay with hair, ear and earring okay. It has some verdigris (green stuff) that you might be able to flick of very carefully but if it will not move easily then leave it alone.
Is that a piece of scotch brite it is sitting on? Hopefully not.
interesting to hear what others think of the grade. Just my opinion but I think it's easier to say what grade it is not rather than what it is. So I sort of work in reverse until I am left with what it might be. Hope that makes sense?