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Posts posted by IanB

  1. Hallmarks run from Jan 1st and  are changed to the next letter on the following Jan 1st.

    Sleepy was correct in saying 1934, the letter K would have been in use from the 1st Jan 1934 through to 1st Jan 1935.

    As these medals were to commerate the silver jubilee in 1935 they would have had to have been assayed in 1934 to carry that  mark.


    • Like 1

  2. Quadrums are the way IMO

    Have a look on eBay at a seller called Andy Jack, sorry cannot send the URL I am on an Ipad at the moment and it will not let me cut and paste?

    He has a selection of Quadrum storage solutions that may suit your needs.

    P.s. Nice photo


    I am giving this a go at the moment. The main reason being that I can have a large image on the computer screen to help me get the focus etc correct rather than trying to focus on a small image through the viewfinder or screen on the back of the camera. 

    There are various free software downloads that allow you connect the camera to your computer. However Adobe Lightroom seems to be a favourite

    Has anyone else used this technique?



  4. How long for that to start re - toning?

    I have read on here about people leaving coins on window cills for a while.

    i have to say I prefer my coins toned rather than lustre, it says to me that that coin has had a life rather than hidden away in a box.

    However I have no objection to dipping, not cleaning though?

    If it removes grime.


    I like the Farthing Mick, even if they have lost their original tone.


  5. Just to open up the whole cleaning debate again. 

    Is dipping okay, it seems to be okay to give silver a light dip? What about bronze?

    I know in this case it's removed the mint tone but in general is it acceptable?



  6. I have been having a think about the concentric circles and unless there are some marks on the edge that might indicate that it was held in a vice or chuck so that the

    circles could be accidentally or intentionally cut into the metal for some reason, then its possible that they were put there due to the coin being squashed between something with these marks on which was transferred onto the coin through pressure. It could be that the coin just happened to be the right thickness to be used as a spacer for something that had a little bit of weight on it. 

    Anyway just a guess on my part.

