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secret santa

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Everything posted by secret santa

  1. Excellent cannon ball find Jerry.
  2. Just a well-worn penny, methinks.
  3. Far and away my favourite Viccie reverse
  4. Yes Terry, considering the number of reverse G coins struck over 14 years, I think this open P version must be quite scarce if not rare. I'll leave it to other collectors to check their coins to shed more light. I've just looked through some of my stored pictures and I've found roughly 3 other F37 proofs with open P and roughly 3 without (I say roughly because some of the pics aren't high enough resolution to tell). I haven't found any other F20 examples.
  5. I haven't found any of the slanting P types but I have found 2 open P types, on an F20 and F37 proof. See pics.
  6. Thanks Terry, I must spend some time checking my coins.
  7. The 1958 Halfpenny is for sale on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VIP-PROOF-1958-HALF-PENNY-NGC-PF64RB-CAMEO-LESS-THAN-10-STRUCK-IN-PROOF-/162447813742?hash=item25d2a4ec6e:g:G2EAAOSwImRYCR3Q It has been graded by NGC as Proof 64RB Cameo but is this a recognised grade/state/variety or just NGC's own opinion ? Quote
  8. Terry, I remember you mentioning this to me a while ago. Have you found this type paired with other obverses ?
  9. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I am fairly well aware of Freeman numbers. It's just that having told the poster that a particular penny with inverted reverse was an F762, he signed off with his name and F763 and I wasn't sure why.
  10. secret santa

    1988 pound coin

    £19 is OK for an altered date "discussion piece". And now it's been withdrawn.
  11. secret santa

    1988 pound coin

    If she's quick, there's a 1933 on Ebay at the moment, latest bid a bargain £620 (there's one born every minute) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1933-George-V-Penny-/142353628210?hash=item2124effc32:g:mMwAAOSwIWVY9Rdc
  12. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Not sure why you put F763 at the end of your post. Is it because your coin is F763 ?
  13. secret santa

    More Pennies

    The only pattern I know with inverted reverse is F762 (Gouby A1 [R & E don't touch]+a)
  14. secret santa

    Is "Cameo" a recognised grade/variety ?

    Interesting stuff. It's a pity that the cameo/frosting doesn't always come over in photographs.
  15. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Victoria pattern beaded obverse Gouby A or B (Freeman 1** or 1*) with R & E of REG touching at the base - almost certainly A (1**) Take a look at my Penny Varieties website for details of these two obverses.
  16. secret santa

    Is "Cameo" a recognised grade/variety ?

    So, are these cameo/frosted coins produced intentionally from special dies and/or blanks, and for what purpose and why weren't they documented by Peck,Freeman or Gouby (i'm assuming they weren't) ? I'd just love to know more about them.
  17. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I'm sure that Paul from LCA reads this forum and he may well be updating some descriptions after seeing some of our comments.
  18. Thanks for clearing that one up Bernie - does yours have obverse 2 ?
  19. It doesn't look much like Gouby's example in my opinion. In fact, I'm not sure the condition is good enough to be sure what it is exactly. Maybe in hand one can make a better judgement - I certainly wouldn't buy it based on their photo.
  20. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I think they mean that R and E of REG don't touch at their bases - R and I of BRITT never touch at their bases on these pattern obverses.
  21. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Actually, there was an example in the James Workman collection - Part 1, Lot 3.
  22. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Interestingly, the picture is now not viewable again but if I right click on the icon (labelled 1038091.jpeg) it allows me to view it OK in a new window. Very confusing.
  23. secret santa

    More Pennies

    What we say and what we I.T. boys do are two different things !
  24. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Just restarted my PC this morning and it's there !!!!!!!! Bill Gates moves in mysterious ways.
  25. secret santa

    More Pennies

    It shows on my tablet but not my PC. Very strange !