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secret santa

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Everything posted by secret santa

  1. secret santa

    1863 Open 3 Revisited

    Here's a decent one.
  2. There are probably previous topics on this subject but I don't want to spend hours searching for them. I have coins slabbed by PCGS, NGC and CGS in my collection. I have a blue PCGS box which the PCGS slabs fit nicely into. NGC slabs are a little higher such that the lid doesn't fit properly, and CGS slabs won't go in at all. Have members found any universal boxes which take all 3 types, or can anyone tell me if CGS sell their own slab boxes ?
  3. secret santa

    Storage of slabbed coins

    This week I emailed Semra at CGS/London Coins to enquire as to whether they can supply CGS storage boxes and, if so, how much they would charge. Semra, without prompting, sent me one free of charge immediately, albeit second hand. Excellent service !!!
  4. secret santa

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Nice penny........... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/one-penny-1898-/222665783839?hash=item33d7ea3a1f:g:3ygAAOSwEkhZvY1C
  5. secret santa

    F10 Penny retouched?

    I've looked these pictures a few times now and I have to say that I don't see any difference in the engraving on the bust (rose, leaves etc), or any real difference in her head. I have seen minor differences to the fabric rose and also that "missing" part of the bust quite a lot over the years on F10 pennies and assume that these small differences are due to the many working dies that were produced for the new coinage and the hard work that they went through producing coins. I certainly don't think we're looking at conscious design differences here.
  6. secret santa

    Storage of slabbed coins

    Many thanks to everyone for their replies.
  7. secret santa

    Storage of slabbed coins

    Thanks Pete. I'll ask the lovely Semra.
  8. Paul Holland sent me the following comment on the origins of the 1862 over 1 penny: I don't think it occurred from ablundered repair attempt. If I had to guess, I would say that itarose near the end of 1861 or the beginning of 1862 when final datenumerals were being punched into working dies. A Mint worker mayhave placed a numeral 1 punch into position and started to 'set it'with his hammer, then realized that with the date changeover, anumeral 2 punch was called for instead, then completed dating thedie as 1862. To me this makes more sense that the other way round...although we may never know for sure. This would also help to explain the origins of the 1862 2 over 2 that have been spotted, with a mint worker trying to correct a slightly misplaced 2 when entering a 2 on a working die. But, as Paul says, we may never know.........
  9. Absolutely right Gary - nothing bargain-like about mine !
  10. All attempts to contact him were ignored (to his detriment) and I got it through a 3rd/4th party.
  11. As a matter of interest, I've received a request from Wordpress that user "lspenny45" would like access to my collection website but I have no idea who this person might be. If lspenny45 reads this, please PM me so that I know who you are and I'll almost certainly grant access.
  12. You probably saw this on Ebay recently. The route to getting it was tortuous but I just had to have it - it's stunning. It's far and away the best of only 4 known examples (1862 over 1).
  13. When I eventually checked my emails again, there was one from Baldwins at 15.43 confirming my registration. So I guess we're OK for next time ?
  14. Got home about 3.30 and tried to watch the auction but found I couldn't log in although I'm sure I've bid before in their auctions. Then tried to register only to find "registration pending" like you. A little later it appeared that I was able to bid although I received nothing to tell me that registration had been successful. Luckily I wasn't intending to bid but agree with you that it's pretty disappointing.
  15. Nice specimen, Mike. With reverse D* too (mine is plain D).
  16. These doubled character examples occur too often to be regarded as unique varieties but they do provide interesting variations for some collectors. When a character is overpunched with a different character it often becomes a recordable variety, even though both types are probably the accidental result of an attempt to repair a damaged die.
  17. Just bought on Ebay a nice example of the 1905 with smaller zero in the date as reported by Terry Eagleton earlier this year.
  18. secret santa

    1897 Type 3 Open 9?

    My F148 high tide seems to be the same, although the numbers are different positions !
  19. Very nice coin, Mike. It's a little more common than the F76 but there aren't many nice ones around.
  20. secret santa

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    A must for penny collectors http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1860-Penny-/142477664663?hash=item212c54a197:g:rLQAAOSwAtFZc0ys
  21. secret santa

    More Pennies

    And now it's sold.
  22. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Interesting indeed although the extra plumes are in a different place from the 1862 variety.
  23. Pics of my coins to add to the debate.