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Status Replies posted by Colin88

  1. Dear Rob,

    Are you the same Rob that bought some Numismatic Auction catalogues and letters from me at Shepperton Film Studios some while ago?

    Apologies if you're not.


    1. Colin88


      Hi Rob,

      Im doing well and lucky enough to collect anything that I like the look of from 5 Guineas to hammered pennies and everthing inbetween...if there's anything nice that you ever think about selling do let me know.

      Colin was / is my friend who set this up for me (I wasnt very IT lierate, still not ) ....the idiot that he is (in a good way) put his own name as a user id ....I sort of left it and to be fair it suited me from a security aspect ....people put up too much on these sites....I was mortified when you told me that the messages I had sent 'Stuntman' and 'RCL35' weren't private...

      All the best








    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)
