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Everything posted by Colin88

  1. I think I'll pass on it.....personally, I'm not over happy with that flakey looking "2". Thanks for your views anyway.
  2. Bernie.....what do you think of the 1882?...is it just a weakly struck 2 or has it been molested?...thanks
  3. I am not impressed with the Baldwins offerings, and find them to be a little aloof. Baldwins always had and still have the "me expert, you dickhead" approach to dealing with ordinary collectors.
  4. Has St James's severed their connection with Baldwins?.....Is Steve Fenton still there?
  5. Thank you Spock.....apologies for the maths...but you get the point I'm sure........
  6. Spink have had 408 years to work it out ....should be any day now then... OMG! Tim Berners-Lee is over 408 years old??? Wonder if his wife knows... OK then ...390 years to think about it and 18 years to implement it ....any day now.....
  7. Spink have had 408 years to work it out ....should be any day now then...
  8. I think the problem here is not so much checking for overseas auctions but rather the quality of Spink's business marketing. Spink have a database of what? Say 20000 collectors given the client numbers used? Obviously some willbe foreign, but a reasonable guess is that 50% are UK based. So if Spink can't be bothered sending out an email notice about a foreign sale of their own targeted at 10000 people, it begs the question as to whether they want those 10000 collectors business. Is this a portent of things to come as we know they are concentrating on private treaty business and dropping the coins/shop side? Is our collective money not good enough? When they don't give notice even to poeple who spend hundreds of thousands a year and who are UK based, then I suspect it is a case of management failure. Whatever, it certainly isn't going to improve the viability of Spink in the UK if they can't be arsed to give you an opportunity to spend money. $21K hammer for the 1882 penny was cheap and I suspect could well have gone higher if people on this side of the pond were aware of the sale. After all, if a slender 3 can make more, then £21K was peanuts. Baldwins, DNW, St. James', Brocks, Lockdales, London Coins, not to mention a whole stack of provincial auctioneers give regular advance email notice. It isn't even a question of no catalogue, which I can see they might not want to send across the pond, but no notice? The wheels have come off the bus methinks. Spink have no longer have any genuine interest in coin collectors....it basically died with the last cohort Paul Dawson and when the CEO decamped to Hong Kong....
  9. My experience over the years has been the same as yours....some come through with no charge and others get captured. If the value is under the equivalent of £15 (or something close to that I cant remember exactly...I'm sure someone on this site will be quick to correct me) ...then there's no customs charge. The annoying thing and I dont know a way around it ..is that bloody £8 'ransom' charge you have to pay the Royal Mail....how can you legitemately pre pay any UK Custom's charge at the source country and thereby avoid the RM £8? ...is there a way?
  10. Lot 1926 - actually doesnt look that bad. I regret not being able to buy the one that Rob had a while back mainly due to lack of funds at the time. Will have a crack at this one for sure. Lot 2629 - Malcolm Ellis offered me a complete set of Maundy many years ago. I turned my nose up at them, big mistake clearly !
  11. I suspect he was made an offer "he couldnt refuse"......we must be talking £millions.....especially with the flat above....whatever happened to his business partner when they where Michael Howard Coins....Laurence Howard was it?....nice guy if I recall.....
  12. The Edward III gold double leopard would eclipse it I believe if it came back on the market. It made £460k + juice in 2006
  13. Does the 'advanced collector' want to sell me his spare?
  14. You may rest assured that I do not have, nor have I ever had a narrow date 1877 penny. However, should I inadvertently acquire an uncirculated example, I will have to consider what to do with it............Sorry ...got confused between me Rob's and me Bob's....
  15. With the exception of the UNC one that Azda mentioned (I'd love to see that puppy), I would suggest that Rob's is/was therefore the second finest known?
  16. The complete set of Maundy from Chas II to 2013 is 252 sets.
  17. Its a question of completing a collection ...any serious collector of bronze pennies knows that there are only a very limited number of R18+ pennies available to them and in the case of the 1877 narrow date they might only get an opportunity once or twice to buy one....and none of them are in high grade.
  18. Forgot Peter Wallwork.....i bought some cracking Newark pieces off him many years ago.....sadly sold last year.
  19. Colin88

    Can Anyone Here Read Arabic?

    I thought it says 1931 in Arabic ?.....and 50 in the centre?
  20. Colin88

    Cgs - New Batch For Slabbing And Selling

    I am going to say something a tad contraversial possibly, but it is based on my recent experiences. Last year I sold my entire 30+ year collection over several months, it was solely a money raising excercise (and yes I did make some good profits...apologies for using the "P" word here as I know it can offend !)..it was a broad selection of mainly UK coins with some quite rare foreign gold too. I used DNW, London Coins, St James's and Spink....to spread the love....also sold via eBay (a complete waste of time and quite a few non paying buyers or what I call "story, story" buyers...these are eBay buyers who have a story as to why they cant pay straight away or within 2 or 3 days)...plus in retrospect I now know that I would have got more at auction...DNW and London Coins did me proud and the other two were good too....I also sold privately and to a dealer...again, in retrospect should have gone to auction. What I have to say is that I dont believe that the slabbed coins made any more or any less than they would have done had they been in the raw....if I was selling in the US then it would have been a different story I'm sure but here, I believe that it didnt make much difference, if at all.
  21. Yup....as I said...it's different strokes for different folks.....personally I love the all the buildings and the 24/7 aspect of it all....never far from the sea or the countryside if I want that ...every type of restaurant/club/pub/entertainment that you could want, close to several major airports for hols and weekend breaks..no real need for a car most of the time..of course there are down sides....mainly that no-one speaks English...but hey, I can live with that...
  22. I think that you will find the difference is that houses in the UK are generally made from bricks and mortar which make them more expensive than the wood and nails they're made from in the US....also, we dont have quite as much land to live in as you do.....personally, for me, there's nothing like the buzz and vitality of living in somewhere like central London......different strokes for different folks and all that...
  23. Blimey, where do you live?....I'll have a dozen....
  24. Jeez....a 2 up 2 down around here would set you back £400k min and you wouldnt get a garage or any off street parking.....