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Everything posted by Colin88

  1. Colin88

    Slabbing - Learnt my lesson

    I agree....but you know what, after 40 years of actively collecting I think I have a fair idea of what my coins are and what grade they are...also if they send coins to Mark Rasmussen and Steve Hill then I could save myself a lot of time and money and show it to them here....its not what I'm paying for and waiting months for. Also if you send the same coin to 3 different TPG's you will invariably get 3 different results.
  2. Err... I would suggest that if you pay 50% over the original, massively inflated sale price that you would be a money launderer or on drugs ...or possibly both..
  3. At the end of the day 99% of these coins are only going to be worth their metal value on the secondary market...doesn't matter what shiny boxes or plastic coffins they are in ...all the marketing hype from the likes of RM, Westminster Mint , London Mint, Hamilton & Byrne and all the others wont make a jot of difference when it comes to resale. Oh and I was offered recently with all the accompanying marketing hype , two crowns - 1935 and 1937 Crown ....can you believe the price at £149 !!...that's a 1000% over market value ......I'm in the wrong business for sure......
  4. Colin88

    1850 Sov

    I like that !
  5. There are one or two beautiful halfcrowns in there (21st March)
  6. Colin88

    NGC Slabbing

    Jeez, I bloody well hope not ! If thats the case, that the insurance risk is on me on the return leg then that must be a major flaw in the entire process and people should be made well aware. I'm going in to see them on Wednesday....will let you know what happens.
  7. Colin88

    NGC Slabbing

    14 weeks !! Their excuse is that it can take that long, so can a manned mission to the moon and back. I may have to explore what happens when coins are lost, how do you prove the value of lost coins and I wonder what their compensation/insurance procedures are . My guess is that they will duck under US laws. What a sodding nightmare !!
  8. Colin88

    NGC Slabbing

    12 weeks and still waiting ...always the same bullsh!t answer when you speak to them in London..
  9. Colin88

    NGC Slabbing

    11 weeks later and I’m still awaiting the return of my coins after being submitted to NGC via the new London office
  10. But you will only get scrap silver price when you come to sell it which is the point I was making
  11. All scrap / bullion when you come to resell I'm afraid....RM is really just a marketing company ..you pay for the beautiful boxes and the advertising...with only very few exceptions the resell value is the gold / silver value only regardless of whether they are proof / low mintage/ in a shiny box
  12. Its a bit of a mess and as Secret Santa says, it completely non-intuitive....I thought it was just me !
  13. Colin88


    Been waiting nearly 2 months now after submitting to them. Not the friendliest of peolpe to deal with either. I think the Pyramids took less time to build
  14. ..... reginparto0 ..... should really state that these coins are restrikes/copies/fakes.......
  15. ....what isn't against eBay's policies is taking the money, no matter what.....
  16. It does say including ....not that this was the entire collection that was stolen However I suspect that the unfortunate victim could very well have been a classic client of those companies that we all know, who prey on selling to mainly the elderly and definitely to people who don't know the value of what they are buying and who often do it furtively and with the best intentions in order to leave something of what they think is of value to the family when they've gone and generally is worth about 10 to 20% of what they paid..at best. Stick to your knitting is what I say ( can you still say that ? ..of course men knit too....phew ! I think I got away with that one...) ......don't buy what you don't understand or haven't researched....Crypto being a recent classic example of people doing this
  17. Colin88


    I understand that currently they are just submitters and are finally open at Spink's offices ...apparantly they are working towards doing it in situ at some point which will be good ..
  18. Colin88


    Chuck I Rex D:G .... after taking advice from Meghan .....
  19. Its like when I get put through to a call centre in India....and they say "Hello my name is John" ....er, no it isnt , so you're lying to me from the off ...!
  20. Colin88

    LCA September

    ...or Scotland Bob
  21. Colin88

    LCA September

    sorry just seen the previous post.....£5,500 ....cheap coin I would say....
  22. Colin88

    LCA September

    what did the LCA one go for ?