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Everything posted by Colin88

  1. Doesn't look good at all...it should be ok to hang on a Christmas (we can still say that I presume?) tree, then take the wrapper off and eat the chocolate.....
  2. Colin88

    Coin Robbery

    Blimey all of them returned?..that was quick..well done plod...
  3. Colin88

    Coin Robbery

    If my memory serves me right...is this not Lloyd's 3rd robbery?....if so, he is a very unlucky man or needs a minder !
  4. Colin88

    Coin Robbery

    I'd definitely seek to restore my stock to the bank or safe before going to the pub
  5. I think that this is where cleaned becomes less relevant....if you want one, then you arent going to find another any time soon and you sure as hell arent going to find one in that grade at a bargain price ever....its like Bob's 1877 narrow date...realistically,you are never going to find another in that grade, so if you want it then thats the price you have to pay to buy it. There are only a handful of these type of coins that will ever be available to you as a collector so you dont have a great choice if you want one and no-one is going to give you a bargain price. if you want it, you just have to put on your big boy pants and suck it up.
  6. That's because like any other business/organisation/individual they all know best to the exclusion of others. Religion, politics, TPGs, the Dundee fruitcake.... all are specialists in their own way and so everyone else is wrong. Progress will have been made when any of these organisations acknowledge that the competition has a good point or argument and that they are wrong - it ain't going to happen. Yup.....aint that truth...so many grading experts here....!
  7. I made several attempts throughout the morning trying to contact a very well known coin dealer based in the North in order to potentially offer them the opportunity to come and look at my collection that I am selling, prior to putting them into auction as it would be less hassle for me I suspect, if someone bought the collection outright rather than await the vaguaries of an Auction house....even though the prices for some of the coins appear to be going stratospheric. The phone was permanently 'engaged' for hours.I eventually tracked one of them down via a personal mobile number given to me by a fellow collector. When I queried the constant state of their phones being 'engaged' for long periods, they freely admitted that they leave the phone 'off the hook' when they are out of the office??...so, no answerphone / voicemail, no redirecting to a mobile number, no 'out-of-office' message...just 'sod off' you customers, we dont want you. I was so annoyed by this I made my excuses and left as they say.
  8. Well, I need to clear this one up .....no, it wasnt Colin Cooke .....up North to me is anywhere North of Watford..! I have never had any problem with 'Colin Cook' coins, quite the opposite and I must say I am very impressed with the way Neil Paisley stepped up to the plate and apologied ...even though there was absolutely no need and I would never begrudge a man his lunchtime sandwhich.. Colin
  9. Hello chky,I have been on this form for some time and English is my mother toungue.....I still have no idea how to put pictures up on this site...it seems you need to be a techie.....
  10. I like the way it was I like the way it was graded as UNC but with 'cabinet friction'. Which is a weasel way of saying it has wear in my book, so not actually Uncirculated then.
  11. The Ed VIII 3d estimate is ridiculously low as are all the estimates on the proof sets (Lot Numbers 286 onwards)...very silly really as none of them are going to go for anywhere near those low estimates....
  12. Personally I believe the proof to be the rarer, however that's really a question for Mark Rasmussen to answer definitively I would suggest.
  13. Paulus is correct....they were devalued due to the rising cost of silver....and by the way if anyone has an octagonal countermarked Halfcrown (4R) that they would like to sell then do please PM me....thanks.
  14. A damp atmosphere is one of the biggest killers of lustre...the best thing to do is to sell your house and move to the South of France...
  15. London Coins sold a 1940 Penny in CU a couple of years back I seem to recall...went for about £400 I think? Also, is it me or doesnt the KN strike look right at all?
  16. Colin88

    Fake Cromwell Crown

    Jeez....that's a corker of a fugazi...if the tiddlywinks are starting to make copies of that quality, it might be time to start collecting stamps......arrrgh, I cant believe I said that !
  17. Never mind Platt, If overgrading was a crime then john welsh would be doing a life sentence....
  18. Hi Rob Did you get my PM?......I'm not too sure I did it right? thanks Colin
  19. Ah poor London Coins / CGS..its seems by reading this thread that they are overworked, which clearly explains why whenever I deal with them they are so offhand and give the impression that they wished that they were somewhere else, doing something else and talking to someone else...I'll try that approach in my business and will let you all know how it goes.
  20. I must say that in my personal experience she is not what you would call customer-facing and has always been very abrupt, particularly on the telephone. Unfortnately they do appear to achieve some good prices for certain types of coins, many of which I will be placing with them shortly, however, in all honesty I am not looking forward to the experience of dealing with them.
  21. What news Mafeking....has it been relieved???
  22. Sad to report that BNTA dealer Giuseppe Miceli was murdered in his home by some pond life no hoper who will probably be given a suspended sentence and counselling.
  23. Great list !...brings back some memories for sure.....
  24. Funny, I'd not thought about Coincraft / Richard Lobel for years and now he pops up this week in the ATG (Antique Trade Gazette)....spooky