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Everything posted by Sword

  1. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I tipped off JN coins the first time but it is relisted again. Some people are persistent.
  2. I had a look and the current spot price is £5.33 per kilo, being 1.4 times the price in March. I suspect the scrap merchant would quite reasonably want a cut and so the price might not be much higher than what Paddy has got unless you have a large amount.
  3. Each penny is 9.4g and would give a scrap value of 5.0p by my calculation assuming it is all copper.
  4. Snow White and the 6 Dwarfs would still be one too many. Sneezy need to be self isolating.
  5. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/333711160598?ViewItem=&item=333711160598 Finally got taken off.
  6. That would indeed be the most sensible thing for Royal Mail to do. But I have just seen this story which is somewhat worrying. https://postandparcel.info/17817/news/up-for-auction-75000-items-that-were-lost-in-the-post-by-royal-mail/#:~:text=Royal%20Mail%20has%20admitted%20selling,their%20post%20has%20gone%20astray.
  7. The question is, who owns an item resurfacing after it has been "lost" in the post and full compensation has already been paid to the owner? If I have to guess, then I would say it then belongs to the Royal Mail, but I can be wrong. I am not certain if the original owner still have any right after that.
  8. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    "With Beautiful Luster". Rather cheeky to be describing a polished coin with that phrase.
  9. Sword


    I do like the engravings of the INA pieces. One of the things I regret is that the very nice coronet head of Queen Victoria was only used in foreign coins and not home currency.
  10. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Another way of putting it is that over half of those graded by PCGS (9 out of 16) is of the same grade or higher.
  11. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    At least it has now been removed. Most of the other items are school books and so I guess the person is either a parent or a kid. What a crazy and reckless thing to do. You have done a good deed and saved him or her from getting into some serious trouble.
  12. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Removing stones from beaches is illegal under the Coast Protection Act 1949!
  13. I agree with Jerry that the "S" is probably Sheffield and the letters after that are "EP" I think, and stands for electroplate. The marks for a "Roberts and Belk" sterling silver item are shown below. They look similar but the all-important lion passant mark, which signifies sterling silver is present. The assay office mark (crown for Sheffield) would also not be present on a silver plate object.
  14. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I think British Law makes it illegal to counterfeit any "protected coins" meaning any coin which is customarily used as money in any country. In addition the following are also protected: Sovereign, Half sovereign, Krugerrand, any coin denominated as a fraction of a Krugerrand, Maria Theresia thaler bearing the date of 1780 and any euro coin. I think it might therefore not illegal to make replica of coins not included in the above. However, attempting to sell them without clearing stating they are replicas would certainly be treated as fraud, or misrepresentation of goods which would be illegal of course.
  15. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I think for coins or tokens, a repro needs to have a feature that enables it to be readily distinguished from the original. E.g. stamped with WRL for example. Even if it was originally sold cheaply as a replica, someone will undoubtedly try to sell it as genuine later on.
  16. Correct. The complete meaning is: 3.5 shots of gin and half a shot of vermouth over 4 parts ice, finished off with three stirs (the 3×360o). Just in case anything is not obvious: H2O = water. Hence H2O3 = water cube or ice (power of three = cube) The Gin and Vermouth is on top of H2O3. Hence the over ice cube. 360o is a full circle or one stir. Parker Pen Company ran an advertising campaign in the early 1970s, showing a hand using a Parker Pen to write the 'mathematical' formula on a piece of paper. The result was that they received numerous inquiries by chemists, mathematicians, and physicists, asking for the meaning of the formula. Apparently the campaign received one very critical letter asking "Who ever heard of a martini without an olive?"
  17. I came across this "formula" many years ago. It was used in the advert of a well-known writing instrument company. What is it for? Hint 1: it is obvious something humorous to be in this tread. Hint 2: it is a recipe for something consumable. Can you work out the meaning of any part of this "equation"?
  18. Sword

    Cleaned or not?

    Well done and superb buy! A nicely struck example too. It has probably had a serious dipping in an attempt to remove the staining. But it still has better eye appeal than your second example, despite the loss of some lustre. Bargain. Here is a bigger photo from the PGCS site.
  19. "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat" is an extremely powerful statement in my view. It embraces the spirit of achieving a just goal at any personal cost. It is a statement of extreme determination. It's all an individual can give. "We shall never surrender" is obviously a strong statement too. However, it is only an aspiration or target in war. The Japanese army obviously believed in that, but they did end up surrendering due to use of previously unknown atomic weapons. I think it is wrong to order soldiers to fight to the last man just to delay an inevitable defeat. However, surrendering on the battle field, is not the same as surrendering one's ideals.
  20. I would balance the coin on a finger and gently tap with another coin to see if it rings like silver. The sound of silver is very distinctive. cupronickel gives a dull short ring.
  21. I love the sitcom The Thin Blue Line and found the following dialogue hilarious. Inspector Fowler: Do you know that 12-year-olds in Holland and Belgium can already speak fluent English? Constable Goody: They're no cleverer than British children, sir. My niece is only 10, and she can speak fluent English. Inspector Fowler: [berating Goody] Your head is just something you keep your hat on, isn't it?
  22. You wouldn't happen to be Norman Quentin Cook would you?