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Everything posted by Sword

  1. Sword

    1611 James I Shilling Mullet over Bell

    A chocolate teapot is not so pointless. Lindt has made a classy dark chocolate teapot a few years back to promote its range of chocolate-tea pairings. 🙂 https://www.cityam.com/pictures-lindt-s-made-3kg-chocolate-teapot-and-guide-eating-its-chocolate-tea/
  2. Presumably it could be of interest to investors too. The Edward VIII went to "a British collector in the room at The Waterbird Collection" in 2019
  3. I would imagine that the famous 1933 penny is always going to be more desirable than an Edward VIII. The last one was sold in 2016 for £151k by Heritage. It wouldn't be at all surprising if the 1933 would auction for more today (particularly due to the weakness of pound sterling).
  4. https://www.antiquestradegazette.com/news/2019/rare-king-edward-viii-s-abdication-coin-makes-uk-auction-record/ An article regarding the penny after the Spinks auction.
  5. Sword

    New UNC Coins

    Mintage figures from the Royal Mint site. https://www.royalmint.com/corporate/circulating-coin/uk-currency/mintages/1-penny/?
  6. Sword

    New UNC Coins

    That's because 1p coins for circulation was probably last minted in 2017. There were enough 1p coins available so none were minted in 2018 except for those found in sets. The mintage figures from the Royal Mint site. Looks like no more were made for circulation after that.
  7. The December LCA catalogue is now up if anyone is interested.
  8. Sword

    New UNC Coins

    No, that won't be classified as an error. Looking for a serious error coin from change is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Only errors that are really obvious are worth extra money. Even then, there are not many error collectors and most won't be worth very much. Have a look at this link: https://www.changechecker.org/tag/error-coin/
  9. Sword

    New UNC Coins

    I think the sealed bags of new coins came from the bank. From the Royal Mint website: "The Royal Mint cannot provide circulation coins to the public. We sell collector versions of coins, details of which can be found on our website www.royalmint.com."
  10. Sword

    New UNC Coins

    True. But if you get say £100 worth of 50p coins, then I would imagine there will be some new coins. Obviously, your chances would be higher if you know when new coins were being released (e.g. the release date of Brexit 50p coins was announced I think).
  11. Sword

    New UNC Coins

  12. Sword

    New UNC Coins

    I would say that coins in a mint bag are "uncirculated". My view is that a coin is only "circulated" if it has been used to pay for something in a transaction. (Personally, I don't think one should take grading terms too literally. Hence, I am happy to think of a "circulated" coin as unciruclated if it is not below the quality of a typical coin found in a mint bag)
  13. Sword

    Bu 2021 sovereign

    Among the many vices of George IV was being excessively overweight. One of his nicknames was the "Prince of Whales".
  14. Sword

    Bu 2021 sovereign

    "This year’s edition has also been embellished with a special mint mark, the royal cypher of George III, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the end of the reign of the first monarch to appear on the modern Sovereign." That is just so lame. A frightful price for an ordinary BU sovereign.
  15. I just had a look. Sold out now and your advert has resulted in at least 11 purchases by forum members out of a total of 24 available. 🙂
  16. Sword

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    I think you might have posted in the wrong tread ...
  17. I confirm I don't know anything about farthings. 😀
  18. Sword

    Black spots on uncirculated 2011 2p

    I think people are keener to collect 50p and £2 coins due to the seer number of reverse designs available making the series more "interesting". By contrast, are just two reverse designs for 2ps.
  19. NS and I (UK's state owned savings bank) has a new look website. [Savings] is what we're good at. And what we care about the most?! 😄 What cheek after announcing the most unbusiness like interest rate cuts: Direct ISA: from 0.9% to 0.1% Direct Saver from 1% to 0.15% Investment account from 0.8% to 0.01% Offering just one tenth interest in some cases compared to recent market leaders. Simply taking customers for fools.
  20. Meaning pinned, so that it will appear ahead of the other treads in the group.
  21. Found this example: https://simmonsgallery.co.uk/shop/tokens/19th-century-copper-token-coinage/mb94-34-19th-c-copper-penny-tredegar-iron-company-overstrike-high-grade/ Not nearly as nice as yours. It's a very interesting piece regardless of its value.
  22. Only just seen this. Well done! That's always the possibility when chasing something that is very rare / elusive but not particularly pretty to look at. You get many years of enjoyment and excitement looking for it but might simply put it away once it is acquired. But some new target will now take it's place and so it's not really a problem. The hunt continues with a new prey.
  23. Sword

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It has now been removed along with the rest of her items. Hopefully, the game is finally up.
  24. Sword

    Cleaned or not?

    I think the it is not so important whether a coin has been "cleaned" or not but how much damage the cleaning has done and the overall appearance.