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Everything posted by copper123

  1. copper123

    Question Re: 1787 Silver Issues.

    The issue being described as a special issue would also account for the high number of coins turned into jewelry (and /or holed) and also the gilt pieces
  2. copper123

    Question Re: 1787 Silver Issues.

    I think it's also due to the fact they kept on minting them (and shillings) for years, the same is probably true for 1754 copper. 1754 farthings were minted for at least a couple of years after that date - exactly like 1967 pennies
  3. The best advice to a prospective collector is buy something you like and enjoy.Does not matter what - as long as you enjoy the coins, THAT'S WHAT MATTERS Those coins will be living with you for maybe half a lifetime or even longer
  4. copper123

    Question Re: 1787 Silver Issues.

    Got it now LOL
  5. copper123

    Question Re: 1787 Silver Issues.

    well in 2013 they do anyway - not sure about the 1780's
  6. copper123

    Question Re: 1787 Silver Issues.

    Is not "A bank passing on a new currency to its customers " called putting a new issue into circulation these days - surely a bank has no say in what happens to money it has just given out to a customer - they do with it as they wish
  7. copper123

    Question Re: 1787 Silver Issues.

    I suspect the reason was because ,even though they were produced in large numbers, they were hoarded - GB plc was in real trouble at the time france looked in real danger of either passing their revolution to the UK or later on with invasion from napoleon. The american colonies were lost so a pottentally a large source of tax income was no more. And finally the king was behaving very strangely A lot of the coins in circulation were old and very worn (how often have you seen William III silver with no clear dates). The old addage of bad money drives out good , rang true here with everyone in the country trying to get hold of these coins of good weight and high silver content and salting them away under beds etc , just in case the worst happened.
  8. copper123

    Question Re: Commemorative Crowns.

    I strongly suspect that many crowns dated 1935 and 1937 did circulate for short times . Often kept as pocket pieces these silver crowns would stop in someones pocket as a "good luck" charm. Probably till the owner maybe needed the money for train fare to work , or even food , he would reluctantly spend it (no credit cards til the mid sixties). My grandfather told me he had a gold sov till the mid 1930s as a pocket piece but it got spent on a train fare to work as he had no spare cash one day just b4 pay day.
  9. Maybe we should give farthings a new nickname "A goodie"
  10. copper123

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

  11. copper123

    Scarborough Coin 1645

    It would be nice if it were a genuine piece but the odds are stacked way against it.
  12. I am expecting Bill Oddie to pop up in this forum any minute
  13. copper123

    Abafil Trays

    They are expensive , but look top quality too , so are ideal for a dealer who would get heavy use out of them
  14. Difficult date - nice coin but you are very pleased
  15. copper123

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Or maybe that it looks like a thingy. Didn't baldrick "do" sailors for sixpence , i wonder what a groat would have got you?
  16. copper123

    Toned Coins

    I must admit that is a really lovely coin. But i am not too sure of the portait - that mouth looks really strange, a bit like he's just been told a filthy joke
  17. copper123

    Changing Attitudes

    Funny enough the 1855 ww raised farthing is far rarer than the ww incuse coin but it often struggles to reach even a premium over the price of a ww incuse coin - it seems collectors are very reluctant to pay any sort of premium for it . Maybe collectors only want one example of this date.
  18. I read somewhere the wren is the most common british bird so that maybe its big claim to fame now. people don't believe it as they say they don't see them , they are a bit reclusive and tend not to be as obvious as other birds like robins and sparrows
  19. I have always found that the worst time to sell coins is the three weeks running up to xmas and the month after xmas- coins put on at these times just don't get the prices you think they will get - there are always exceptions of course. Logically it is a good time to buy as others are not.
  20. Womder if his mate got a bargain then LOL
  21. copper123

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    yes he did he stopped describing everything he had on sale as ef or unc and just said things like "lovely grade" or other meaningless statements. - in the end even he got bored with his own overgradeing.
  22. copper123

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    yes martin stopped miss grading coins a while ago - but looks like he has started with the overgradeing again - not that he is the only one to do it
  23. copper123

    Sir Joseph Boehm Ra

    "WE ARE NOT AMUSED!!!!!!"
  24. copper123

    Pcgs Vs Cgs

    The trouble is both the American market and the UK market seem to have taken different paths over the last twenty years or so with collectors in both countries totally sure their country is taking the right path . While both countries have much in common the paths and developements in the field of coin dealing they are miles apart