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Everything posted by pies

  1. pies

    "CGS comes of age"

    Well at least thery are listening.But havent they now upgraded old AU to UNC
  2. So your starling69 ive had some coins of you?
  3. Whats that in English,about a tenner seems fine to me
  4. Bought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK thats 3 coins
  5. says he who has been banging up above average pennies like they're going out of fashion! Oops, having a senior moment there, Ski, getting you all confused with pies offerings! Sorry! You must be having another senior moment ive only bought a couple
  6. Reported it as a repoduction but not listed as such
  7. pies

    CGS - A customer-facing business?

    The 'lustre' component of the grading would take this into account, the point was made to me that there wasn't a specific category for 'eye appeal'. I also asked about the location of marks, dings etc, and yes, if there are problems in the middle of the face, for example, rather than half-hidden in some design detail, then these would count as more 'serious' problems and the coin would score less. Would it though, bearing in mind lustre has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with toning. You can have a deeply-toned coin with obvious full-lustre underneath. My point is you could presumably have two full-lustred CGS coins, one with ugly toning, and one with beauty personified, and they would both come out of the computer with the same grade? Which would you buy,to me thats the answer just buy on eye appeal
  8. At the risk of sounding stupid how does a coin end up with a reverse which wasnt used for another five years
  9. pies

    beginner series

    As a newbie myself all i can say is buy quality And enjoy it if you stop enjoying it stop collecting
  10. I think if they split the premium to 10% for both buyer and seller the seller would take home more as i feel hammer prices would rise AIMHO
  11. That certainly isn't where I got it from, although CGS er... London Coins was certainly involved in its sale! Another thing which faintly irks me about this slab is that the inner capsule part seems to be so oversized that not only is the edge not visible, but the obverse beading isn't either. All my fault ive got my pennies confused, this is the coin I was looking at, I'm a bit surprized it got a rating of UNC 80. Its horrid AIMHO and they want £375 I wouldnt part with half that for it http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?page=retailv2_details&coin=Penny+1863+Victoria&uin=0001678
  12. An 1894 penny. Quite nice - except for the fingerpriints. They gave it an AU78. I gave it AU60 on the Gouby system (where 60 is the % of lustre). Was that coin on london coins website under "choice coins" if so im amazed it got a 78, it didnt have the eye appeal for me, and graded better than my 1890 which has one carbon spot and only graded a 75
  13. And fingerprints dont seem to effect the grade either P.S whats the coin
  14. Used to collect stamps and i found whichever way i stored them was wrong.If you handled them you had to be very carefull of that pricey stamp could lose all its value in a heartbeat.So i stopped Coins have the advantage of being more robust,yes handling them wrong or poor storage wont devalue them to worthless in the blink of an eye. In this modern age with houses being smaller i suspect coin collecting will increase as a large collection still requires little space
  15. Nice one I thought those days had gone
  16. Do you get everything in the picture
  17. pies

    Coin Values

    Markio may I say that looks a great collection I cant offer any advice as its way out of my league,but you have reached the best forum for advice, there are a few dealers on here who will be able to help im sure
  18. open picture in paint its very basic but works crop till coin fills most of pic,you can only chop bits of the right or bottom so use the "flip/rotate" option which is found under "image" Once thats done you can resize using the "resize/skew" option again found under "image" then save ......as this keeps your original as well as making a new copy hopefully the file will now be below 150k if not just resize again hth
  19. Urine is full of ammonia i think
  20. What you using to clean, acetone? PS you can spend it any more
  21. pies

    Room 101

    Ebay sellers who dont put coins in there correct catagory/ im fed up looking at halfpennys
  22. pies

    CGS - A customer-facing business?

    So 25,000 coins over 6 years at £12-£20 per coin (today's prices) gives a generous estimate of £70,000 revenue per year from coin grading - I'm sure that won't leave much after paying people and overheads! And the VAT man!! Does anyone have a ballpark idea of how many the US TPGs have slabbed (by way of comparison?) NGC have slabbed over 25 million. This is taken from there website FAQ section