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Everything posted by pies

  1. Yes, the BNJs are a great resource. And of course you can pick and choose articles at leisure.Just realised I assumed pies wants coin related books! Maybe he wanted historical research! In which case I'm afraid Amazon might be better for recommendations as I wouldn't have a clue!You assumed correctly I always wanted to get into older coins, but as it's way more involved than milled coins I have left alone for a while. I shall start at Charles as it seems a very interesting part of history Thanks all for your help, lots of daft questions to follow
  2. Anybody know of some good reference books for Charles 1st cheers
  3. Nope same seller has another he his selling a collection, alot of ex magney coins i had the chance to buy the lot but was way to much for me
  4. Only GEF id say nearer AUNC,but mt grading is iffy at best, great purchase Bob
  5. pies

    1862 Penny? What Do You Think?

    Welcome to the forum,not many penny collectors here(sorry Rob) I would be happy with Declan's grade I'm hopeless at grading For buying penny coins look at pennycrowncoins.co.uk not super cheap but fair prices and as Derek literally wrote the book on grading coins you know the grades will be accurate
  6. Sorry but for my eyes and fingers they are,pretty coins though
  7. Ah the old hammered stuff, i keep looking at it ,but im out of my depth, there are so many varients that i couldn't tell a fake from a proof or a bargin for a rip off. I will drift that way soon, once my understanding has got a bit lot better .The pennies are fairly straightforward with lots of info available The reason i dont do halfpennies is purely because they are pretty much the same, and farthings are just too small. Milled silver gives me a reason to buy other coins, plus i like the coins
  8. I know, like Zulu's "bloody hundreds of em"
  9. Apart from these: 1904 '4 points to tooth' 1911 Gouby X 1915 'recessed ear' 1916 'recessed ear' 1944 'last 4 points to tooth' 1946 'ONE*' flaw Does anyone have anything not listed in Freeman? (actually Dave Groom lists a couple of other date position varieties, as I recall?) Yep i have UIN 17141, not only is the date spacing different but when rotated britannia is at about 75 degrees
  10. Ok Rob yep there are quite a few of them, i suppose i come into the catagory as well
  11. So what the most boring the 1908?
  12. Rob a mac in car terms is like an Aston Martin, Bentley Audi. A PC is more like TVR, Fiat Datsun You pays your money.....
  13. Buy what you like,buy quality. The collection whatever it is will sort itself out from there
  14. Coin six is unc. Taking a decent photo is a challenge for me theses days:(
  15. Rob seriously think about getting a mac. Microsoft software is so full of holes that scammers etc find ways in. Then Microsoft release a patch and so on. Every new piece of software you load slows the machine down even if you uninstall it as it usually stays in the registry. Since I have had my apple I have virtually zero problems
  16. 1,unc 2,aunc 3,aunc 4,might not grade due to scratches , but could be otherwise unc 5,aunc Thats my guesses
  17. pies

    10P That Looks Like A 5P

    This is my error 20p. Not sure what flan it's on though
  18. pies

    1902 Shilling

    I'd be inclined to break it out and remove the problem, a very nice coin would sell on its looks alone regardless what cgs say
  19. I think they come from the same as this series http://www.coinpeople.com/index.php/topic/14833-spink-patina-collection/
  20. I know You bought it then Pies?Yep been looking for one to turn up for ages. I saw one I think at the London coin auction a while ago and regretted not getting it so I was buying this one. I have uploaded pics to the acquisition thread