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Everything posted by pies

  1. pies


  2. pies

    Looking for a 1953 VIP proof farthing

    looks better in hand
  3. pies


  4. pies

    Looking for a 1953 VIP proof farthing

    I have a 2+B. I think its probably a UNC but could be a proof. Looks way better than my 2+A in my set. Got a piccy but size limit here not big enough to upload from phone
  5. 😂 wrong pics uploaded. Try again
  6. i need to learn to take better pics , i believe mine was ex magney sorry i meant of those mine could only be top one, not saying it was 😆
  7. Only top one could be mine as i purchased it in 2014
  8. Ok so idiot here had his catalog of coins on an excel spreadsheet with no backups, and the PC has now died I don’t plan on replacing the PC but rely on my ipad. Unfortunately from what i can see excel is a subscription service if you want to edit a document So what are the options?
  9. Ignore me i was looking up 1864 not 1964 😂
  10. Evening all just been sorting through my coins and came across this 1897 I purchased it from london coin auction years ago the obverse and reverse are offset to each othe by about 20 degrees is this common ? also what do they mean by 9.5 teeth cheers
  11. Other than CGS own references i cant find it listed. Doesnt tie up with a freeman as farcas i can tell. Bugging me 😂
  12. Flat and boring, no artistic measure to the design, close to being just functional
  13. Thats a stunning coin I don't have a F69 just a F73
  14. pies

    The right equipment for a novice

    Personally i would keep clear of those book wallet things These are cheap and good plus you can write details on the envelope https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lighthouse-coin-Holders-self-adhesive-25/dp/B005QIWSBK/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1537454928&sr=8-4&keywords=lighthouse+coin loop and scales seem ok be carefull putting coins on metal some cotton gloves could be usefull
  15. And the quality of the coins is shockingly poor, drab meaningless designs and poor quality control.So many flaws it's shameful
  16. The year might be common, but that grade is rarely common, nice coin
  17. Evening all im looking for some good literature on Elizabeth first coins, mostly about shillings cheers
  18. pies

    Elizabeth 1st literature

    Cheers all ordered the soft back for now as i seem to destroy hard back books
  19. pies

    Elizabeth 1st literature

    Would like all to be honest , but die details and legend varieties should be a start cheers
  20. pies

    Beatrix Potter

    Hi all i've been asked at work what a50p Beatrix Potter coins worth as they are on ebay for £1k plus. But as far as i can see they have not actually sold any, so whats the reasoning for these coins being rare and valuable