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Everything posted by numismatist

  1. Suppose one good thing is Fake Coins dont kill you, like all the fake medicine thats coming out of China does and even the NHS in the UK cannot normally tell that from the real thing.
  2. In the 1970 period, these were quite rare to find, and Seabys , Spinks, Baldwins etc, would always avoid those with weak countermarks, saying even in those early days there were many fakes about. Nowadays I'm seeing them all the time on Ebay, generally always very weakly struck Countermarks. Are the multitude that are coming onto the market genuine ? They are often well over £1000.00 or more (2 examples below)
  3. Perhaps we should say there are very few differant fake british coins that we have yet noticed.The 1934 Crown only had a mintage of 932 and if you look back say 40/50 years when coin collecting was only just taking off it was only on the very rare occasion that you saw a 1934 crown, now as "Gary D" says they are everywhere. Maybe , just maybe, there are really poor fakes that are easy to spot,very good fakes that we are learning about but are very hard to spot, and incredible quality fakes that are so good ,we do not know they exist, and they are fooling everyone ?
  4. I bet there are hundreds of differant fake coins , from China out there. A major problem is that Ebay seems to want to protect the sellers of fakes. I've tried with a long on line discussion with Ebay's so called trust and safety. One seller had about 20 fakes listed (from Hong Kong) ...laura_5268....and has certainly sold at least six 1763 Shillings. Ebay refused to do anything and will certainly not remove them from Ebay.I was trying to get the address of a seller I bought a fake from and because 60 days had passed they would not give any details and just said "If you have any problem you had better find a Solicitor" I suppose any listing on Ebay giving any warnings about fakes, would be removed in a flash.The George IV Crown dated 1822 ,posted by "seuk" will certainly fool many, as it looks pretty convincing on first sight. I think things will get a lot worse for Coin Collectors in the future and the fakes will get better and better as time passes. I see the BNTA only let members see the fake coins they are notified of, and I wonder why this is ?. It would be interesting to know if the BNTA actually keeps its members informed of fakes as they appear.
  5. Vickysilver mentions ( W&W ) I no longer bid there, as every item I've ever won was at my maximum bid. Must admit that at Bonhams , DNW ,Morton and Eden and Spinks, I've quite regularly won items at well below my maximum bid, which gives me a bit of hope with those ones. I know that many local auctioneers who have coins only now and again,as a general rule start at the maximum bid so you have to be VERY careful with some.
  6. Lots about the "Patina" coins on a google search.. Spink sold a vast number 11 July 2001 and someone who says they later asked Spinks for more details, say they said they couldn't give any details and that they (Spinks) regretted ever getting themselves involved with them
  7. The other 1934 Crown they have as Prooflike AU obverse , is not a great deal better ,and GVF to AEF would be its proper grade I would say. So grasding not very consistant ?
  8. Think what a slab does to the superb edge inscriptions on early milled silver and gold, with the many rare varieties of that early period. The edge like others say , may be worn damaged , soldered, or have a rare mistake in the inscriptionn and all is hidden from view My motto is " smash the slab " and see the true coin in the hand rather than just hope all is well with what cannot be seen.
  9. Looking at "Azda's" No 3 (great photos by the way Azda) This is on the Ebay completed items list of ...laura_5268....from Hong Kong...Item no 2509 2275 9512..Lots of nice condition early foreign Crown Size sold there, looking very cheap, so assume all those are Chinese fakes. I bought my "fake" 13/03/2010 Ebay Item no 2705 4351 8661 for £310.00 from ...antony.0177... from Lancashire. He refuses to supply his address. Ebay say their policy stops them giving out any seller details to anyone after 60 days has passed (great for any con artists on ebay) I got onto Ebay "Trust and safety" but they are not the slightest bit interested. I gave them details of ..laura_5268...who has sold numerous 1763 fakes, but they wont take action. I've reported the fraud to the Police (via ..actionfraud..)but I'm pretty certain I will see my first "flying pig" before I hear from them. My "fake" I understand was sold to..antony.0177..by...xxxcoinsxxx...from Warwickshire, but they were removed from Ebay about 27/03/2010. If anyone knows who they are I would like their details to give to the Police as all I have are ebay names. I emailed DNW by the way ,about my original post, but no reply so far
  10. Very worrying, obviously a lot of these about, so ringing alarm bells. I dont think a single one would have ever been condemned by anyone as they are pretty good. I worry what else is out there. They must be Die-Struck, strange to leave such obvious tell tale marks, which must be on the die and could easily be polished out.
  11. If they can make them so good, its very worrying to wonder , just what else they make. I've seen the USA Dollars etc which are pretty crude and base metal, but also seen photos of pretty scary Charles 1st Hammered Shillings. Suppose they could be making 100's of differant coin types ? These Northumberland shillings must be very easy to pass muster unless very detailed points to look for are known . Does anyone know if their is a good photographic record posted anywhere ,of just what well made fakes are out there.
  12. numismatist

    Cartwheel snuffbox?

    Agree its a Vesta (match) case ,as its has a striker in the edge. So not a snuff box. I would have thought worth £50.00 on ebay if in both the Coin section and Vesta Case section on a good day. I had one , but about 40 years ago, so must be pretty rare to find, as cannot remember seeing another since then .
  13. From what I see of slabbed Coins in the UK , the large auction houses still grade them as they would a loose coin ,and the grades they give seem to be far below what the slabbing companies give. Which as far as the UK market goes makes slabbed coins less desirable and I'm sure there is very little trust in the grades on slabbed coins, and also the buyer does not know what faults are hidden. Also there are many rumours that some slabbing companies give " special deals on grading " for some of their large high spending dealer customers, and I for one would always "smash the slab ! " so I could see for myself what I was getting.
  14. Fair but bent and cracked. Is it the (now called) Ashby Groat. ?...Its Ebay Very Fine, many dealers would call it fine as they try and put up the grade on rarer items. Even the large auction house will call it poor one day ,fair another day , and fine for issue on another day , but I think " Fair " is its proper grade .
  15. numismatist

    British Coin Forecast for 2012

    I believe the increase in Coin prices has a lot to do with the scrap price. The same happened in 1980 and was followed by a decline in most cost prices which lasted for some years. My thoughts are like this,on Silver Coins..You have say an worn 1887 Crown worth £3.00 in scrap and it sells for £5.00, then suddenly its scrap value rises to £15.00 and they start to sell for £20.00. This makes an EF one at £20.00 (1980 prices) seem really cheap, so it rises to £50.00 and that in turn makes all other crowns even back to Charles II look very cheap, so a few sales later they have doubled or more in price. This in turn makes hammered silver seem very cheap and they rise also. Same with Gold coins, a Sovereign fetching say £50.00 (1980 period prices) becomes worth £100.00 scrap.£5.00 pieces that were £300.00 or so become £600.00 and so on. Five Guineas look very cheap at say £1000.00 and rise to £2000.00, then Hammered Gold seems very cheap and they rise. Then when the 1980 crash in Bullion values came coins over say six months settled back to earlier values. Now the present situation seems more entrenched as it happened very fast in 1980 and this time the rise has been going on for a few years, so who knows if a really major crash will ever come again ? but all things are possible. There is obviously a flight from cash, and some desirable £5000.00 coins are fetching say £10000.00 in auction , but I see on some dealers lists they have similar things are double to auction prices, and often have "sold" against them . This I think must be investment buyers who trust certain dealers without question , as these same buyers would I think turn down the same coin at a third of the dealers price from an unknown seller .
  16. I appreciate the reason now..thanks..I bet one of those testing machines would cost a few bob (all mint ones at that)
  17. What made the Silver 1927 Sixpence Proof that was refered in in DNW 26th Sept 2011 lot 1505 fetch £3720.00 (with premium) Was it exactely the same design as the normal 1927 Proof Sixpence and was the only differance the purity of silver(.925 instead of .500) How could you determine that without some very specialist testing ?
  18. numismatist

    Postal losses

    Will Royal Mail pay out for a lost coin, or will they say its money so not covered ? when sent recorded ,and can you send anything " at buyers risk in the post " by letting them choose the option," because I bet Paypal will still take your money from you, if the buyer says item not received. According to Ebay/Paypal the buyer is god !
  19. numismatist

    1935 Jubilee Set

    Certainly somewhat unusual then , I thought it very strange I had never come across one before and you would have thought many hundreds or thousands would have been produced. It certainly has all the hallmarks of the card case for the Specimen and Proof Crowns, thanks all for the interest and suggestions....
  20. Royal Mint Cased....Halfcrown and Florin 1935..I've seen the 1935 Crown in similar card cases but never notice one of these before...This is my first post , so go easy if they are common
  21. Never seen a St James Catalogue before, its very easy to look at , with its layout, makes a nice interesting reference
  22. I was into Coins in the 1960's to 1970's , but had other interests that kept me busy until I retired I've tried to get information from those who certainly know, and although I spend reqularly with them they wont even acknowledge my emails, presume because no 40% commission for them by giving information ? Anyway, I've had access to an old Collection, that I helped build up 1960/70 period and seeing the notes, I thought it a good idea to check the odd provenance out. Just an handful of coins were added in early 1990 ) So far I can only find the odd few that are Ex famous collections, no tickets were kept and just the odd note 1, Cromwell Shilling Glens 26/09/1973 Ex Symonds ( note says died 1933 ?) , no lot number but UNC written in notes ( Hoping to find Lot number grade and if prior provenance) 2, William IV Proof Crown 1831 Glens 07/10/1991 Ex Willis Lot 555 ( I found similar lot 559 in Spinks sale 2007 ) ( I hoped to find how lot 555 was graded and if any prior provenance ) I knew Fred Willis very well and in the Collection are several coins that he sold in 1972 but sad to say it seems no provenance was noted , except for being Ex Glendinings, sad to say the violent robbery he suffered in 1976 and never recovered from brought about his death in 1978 3, George I Crown 1726 Glens 30/10/1974 lot 45 ( ex lockett lot 143 and ex sanderson lot 134 ) ( hoped to find how it was graded (note says unc) and if any other provenance given ) 4, Victoria Gothic Crown Glens 26/09/1973 ( Ex Symonds no lot or grade but unc on note ) ( hoping to find Lot Number ) 5, George IV Crown 1821 Glens 26/09/1973 (Ex Symonds no lot or grade but note says unc ) ( hoping to find lot number ) Appreciate any help if anone has the old Sales catalogues...many thanks.....
  23. Thanks " Rob " really grateful for your input, you are a real gentleman, my sincere thanks
  24. Thanks " asda " lets hope he sees my post then, he sounds like the man I need !